Chapter 7

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It had been a week since David had been sent into that sleeping curse. Me and Henry were getting on great with the whole independent thing. Mom would come by every morning and we would have breakfast together. The we would walk Henry to school I would go to work, Mom would try find some way of getting David back. The I'd pick Henry us, help him with his homework, we'd have dinner with Mom and then off to bed. It was fun and nice not having anyone else around, just the two of us.

"Henry you're not going to have time for breakfast if you don't get up now!" I said cooking pancakes for him

"Ooh pancakes" He said sitting down in his pj's at the counter

"Clothes first" I told him

"Fine" He said walking off to go get dressed. Suddenly there was a knock at the door

"It's open" I yelled. Regina walked in

"It really should be locked!" Said Mom

"I unlock it every morning so that you can just walk in! I told you, you don't have to knock" I said. Just then Ruby came walking downstairs and headed to the bathroom

"Morning" She said walking past us

"Morning" I replied not thinking twice. As soon as the door was locked Regina turned to me shocked

"What the hell do you think your doing having Ruby over when Henry is in the house?!" She said shocked

"Calm down! She came over for dinner last night, because she's my girlfriend and Henry likes her and asked her to come over since he hasn't seen her in ages. Anyway, Henry got carried away asking questions about the enchanted forest and it got late so I said she could stay over" I said. Regina was giving me a disappointed look "Don't make that face! She slept upstairs while I stayed with Henry like always! Nothing happened! And trust me nothing will ever happen... while Henry is in the house" I said smiling at her shocked face

"Now can I have some food!" Henry asked

"Sure" I said serving him some pancakes

"Did you see David on your way over?" Henry asked Mom

"Yeah, I stopped by" She said

"Any change?" I asked

"No, nothing. He neds true loves kiss" She replied

"And you're trying to figure out a way to get Emma and Snow back right?" Henry asked

"I said I would didn't I Henry?" Said Regina smiling at him

"Do you think we could see him later today?" Henry asked

"I've got a later shift today, it might be a bit late when we can... unless" I said thinking

"Unless what?" Henry asked

"One day off from school won't hurt right?" I asked, looking at Regina. Although she isn't looking after us, she is still one of his mothers, so I felt like I kind of had to ask for permission

"One day won't hurt" She said smiling. Henry jumped off his stool and hugged her before running around trying to find his shoes and jacket to go see David. He grabbed his story book to, obviously thinking that it woke him up from the coma once before so maybe it might happen again!

He sat next to David reading about how Charming had woken Snow from her slumber with a kiss

"I think this time, itll happen the other way around" Said Regina

"You think so?" Henry asked

"I do. Which is why I need you to stay here and watch David for a little while" She replied

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