Chapter 19

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The next morning I woke up to find Emma, Mary-Margret and David all looking pissed off.

"What's going on?" I asked

"The beans... they're all gone. Regina destroyed them all and stole some" Said David

"Ok, wait. Are you sure it was Regina, it could have been Gold. Maybe wait till you have all the facts before you blame my mom, again, without any proof" I said

"Fine, but we're checking her office, now!" Said David

"I'm coming with you" Said Henry

"Me too. And before you object, I have magic and am therefore the most qualified person to do this, and Henry is too stubborn to stay here. Plus it will take longer if you argue" I said

"Fine come on" Emma said. We all drove there and watched as Emma and David burst through the door with their guns out. We waited until they gave the all clear and walked inside the empty office

"She's not here" Said Emma

"When you find her, your not going to hurt her are you?" Henry asked

"No, we just want the beans she stole" Said Emma

"I don't get it, why would she leave her office unlocked?" Mary-Margret asked

"Especially when she's keeping the beans here" Said David walking over to the tank she had with a bean plant.

"Was keeping them here. They're gone" Said Mary-Margret

"Now do you believe us?" David asked

"Ok, no need to be so cocky! You were right this one time" I said

"Something's wrong. Regina wouldn't leave evidence like this behind" Said Emma

"Maybe she already used them to portal out of Storybrook" Suggested David

"Without Hope and Henry? I don't think so" Said Emma

"What if something bad happened to her?" Henry asked. I wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him from behind

"The security system says the last time someone was in the office was around 6 this morning. They used an override code" Said Emma

"Mom wouldn't be here at 6, it's way too early for her, plus why would she need an override code for her own office?" I asked

"She wouldn't" Said Emma

"You think someone else broke in and took the beans?" Mary-Margret asked

"Well, we haven't found Regina anywhere and haven't heard from her, unless you have Hope?" Emma asked

"No, not since the other day at the bird feeders" I said

"So something bad did happen to her" Said Henry

"We're going to find her Henry, I promise" Said Emma

"There is only one person who can overpower Regina, Gold" Said Mary-Margret

"He's too busy with his new/old girlfriend" Said Emma

"He's not too busy to hurt other people, apparently 'Lacy' likes a bad guy these days" I said

"No this wasn't Gold. This was Tamara" Said Emma

"Haven't you already gone down that road?" Mary-Margret asked

"Maybe not far enough. August was attacked the day Tamara came to town. I don't think that was a coincidence" Said Emma

"What if your wrong? If Regina is in trouble, we can't just drop everything else because of a hunch" Said David

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