Chapter 14

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It didn't take too long to get from New York back to Storybrook. We helped Gold off the ship and David came to pick him up so he could drive Gold back to his shop.

"Take me back to my shop, there's magic that can protect us there" Said Gold

"Let me guess, I get to go with Ruby and Hope" Said Henry

"You got it kid" Said Emma

"Actually, I want to come with you" I said

"It's too dangerous, I'm sorry" Said Emma

"I have something that can help" I said making a fireball in my hand

"Wha-! How?" Said Emma

"I've been practicing, all you have is a gun, I have magic that can help. I know I'm new at it and I can't stop her obviously, but I can give you and the others more time" I said

"Fine, Henry go with Ruby" Said Emma

"I'll keep him out of the crossfire" She said as the two of them left and the rest of us headed to the shop. Gold gave Emma some chalk that would create a protection spell before warning us all

"You all might want to prepare for battle" Said Gold

"You missed a spot" Said Neal to Emma while she was drawing on the floor

"Your hilarious" She said

"I didn't know you two were magical" He replied

"Are you being judgey about this?" Asked Emma "Cause your not allowed to have opinions about surprises, Mr Son of Rumpelstiltskin"

"Oh... I didn't mean for Tamara to be a surprise" Said Neal

"You think that I care about a guy i dated a decade ago is engaged?" Emma scoffed

"We're all clear outside" David said walking in "Everything ok?" He asked. We all nodded before Emma went into the back room to tell Gold she had finished the line

"So your magic too?" He asked

"Yep. It's weird though, I spoke to Regina about it ages ago and she said it took her a long time to be able to do certain things like moving in clouds of smoke, but I could do it like the day I found out I could use magic" I said

"That is strange. I searched for a long time trying to find ways to get rid of my fathers powers, and while I was searching, I learnt a lot about magic, the main thing being that it takes a long time for people born with magic, rather than cursed" He said just as a gust of wind blew past us

"What was that?" I asked going into the back room

"I cast a protection spell around the place" Said Emma proud of herself "Come on we need to get ready"

We all took our positions and I watched from the back room as my mom and Cora came walking into the store

"Regina, think about what you are doing" Said Emma

"Don't talk to me" She said as she made a fireball. David lunged at them both and Regina sent him flying out the door before closing it. Cora then made Emma fly over the counter and crash on the other side of it. Neal swung at Regina but she disappeared in the cloud of smoke before he hit her but she dropped the dagger. Mom then reappeared and started choking Emma.

"Mom!" I yelled coming out of the back room. She looked at me surprised and Emma broke free, grabbing her and putting her knife to her throat. Cora also reappeared and saw the knife on the ground before seeing Regina trapped by Emma

"What's it gunna be?" Neal asked as Cora looked from the dagger to Regina

"Mother!" Said Regina

"Choose wisely" Said Neal. Cora used her magic to pick up the dagger and Emma pushed Regina into her as she grabbed me and Neal and ran to the back room, drawing another line with the chalk to keep them out.

"Hey are you ok?" Mom asked

"Yeah, I am" I replied. My mom suddenly left the store while Cora continued to use her magic to try break the protection barrier.

"She's gunna get through" Said Neal

"Maybe it's for the best. At least this cursed power will pass from this world" Said Gold

"No! Your not dying" Said Neal

"I am dying" Gold replied "That much is certain. I need to talk to Belle"

"Who's Belle?" Neal asked

"Your dad's girlfriend" Said Emma. Gold called Belle in the hospital and the rest of us waited for him to finish before we spoke again. He was actually really sweet on the phone.

"Didn't know you had that in you" Said Neal

"Oh I'm full of love. I spent a lifetime looking for you. For a chance to say 'I love you'... And I'm sorry" Said Gold

"I didn't think you'd go back on our deal" Said Neal

"I just made the wrong choice" Gold replied "May I?" He asked holding out his hand

"I'm still angry" Neal replied

"I know" Gold said as Neal grabbed his hand and held onto it and cried. It wasn't long before Cora had broken the protection spell and was walking towards the three of us

"You three, out of the way" She said sending us to the middle of the woods. As soon as I realized what she had done, I transported myself back into Gold's store and prepared myself with a fireball "You just can't stay away can you?" She said

"We both know that if you hurt me, Regina will never forgive you!" I said

"Your right" She replied as she made rope from Gold's shelves tie my up, making me unable to move very far. Cora lifted the dagger about to plunge it into Gold, when suddenly Mom came running in and shoved Cora's heart back into her making her gasp and drop the dagger

"Mother" Said Regina before Cora collapsed on the floor. Regina picked her up in her arms and cradled her "Mother? Mother? What's wrong?"

"This would have been enough... you would have been enough" Said Cora as she stopped breathing and died in Regina's arms

"What's going on? Mother? Don't leave me please! What am I gunna do" Regina said crying

"Your mother did you no favours" Said Gold as he waved his hand and released me

"Shut up! You stole her life! You cast some spell or something" Regina sobbed

"I did nothing" He replied

"REGINA! STOP" Mary-Margret yelled as she ran in the shop with David

"You did this" Regina said as she held her mothers body. I ran towards her but before I could reach her, she disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

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