Chapter 9

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Things were still tense with the grandparents! Me and Emma were fine, she even said she could see where I was coming from, but David barely spoke to me all evening when I got back after my shift at the diner. I'm not surprised to be honest, I did hurt his pride when I told him he was stuck in his mindset of the world being split into Hero's and Villain's.

That night I had a strange dream, this one jumped around all over the place. When I woke up the next morning, it took a while to try and fit it all together to make sense. I dreamt Regina went to see Archie and then Regina was outside and smoke covered her to then reveal Cora, then Pong was barking at Regina! It was like a jigsaw trying to put the parts together, but non of them seemed to fit together. I had a shift early that morning at the diner, so I headed out early to get there on time. The tension between me and Ruby wasn't really there this morning, I don't know why, maybe wolfs time was over for now, maybe it just didn't seem important to either of us anymore, I don't know, all I knew was that I was glad it was gone.

Henry and Emma came into the diner for breakfast that day, at least those two were being normal around me!

"So what was it like over there?" Henry asked when I bought their food over. I hung around wanting to know

"Well there was Ogres, the dead rising, people trying to kill me, and more Ogres" She said

"Awesome!" Said Henry making Emma laugh

"We gotta work on your sense of awesome kid! Come on, time for school" Emma said getting up, I headed over to the counter to grab Henry's lunch as the two of them walked out the door.

"Wait, I've got your lunch" I said chasing after Henry out the door. As I reached them, Pongo came running towards the diner without Archie

"Pongo! It's ok" Henry said as Pongo kept barking

"Where's Archie?" Emma asked

"Ruby" I yelled into the diner. She came running out and went straight to Pongo

"Something's wrong" She said

"How do you know?" Emma asked "Never mind, the wolf thing" Henry went to the bus to go to school while me, Emma and Ruby headed to Archie's office to see what was going on. His door was open and when the three of us walked in, we saw him. Lying on the floor, dead.

"Who would do this?" Asked Emma shocked

"I think I know" Said Ruby

"Who?" I asked. Emma turned to me and gave me a look telling me exactly who she thought had done this "No, Emma, she wouldn't"

"I've got to check it out at least. You have to go home, or back to work or something, but you can't come. Please just listen to me for once" Said Emma

"Fine" I said walking back to the diner. I felt like I was in a funny haze all day. Regina wouldn't do that! She's got nothing against Archie and why would she undo all her hard work to impress Henry! My shift ended not long after 1 and I collected my stuff to go home. As I walked out the door, I saw Emma, David and Snow walking out of Gold's shop, I ran over to Emma to beg her to tell me what was happening

"Emma!" I yelled

"Hope, yo can't be here" Emma said looking pissed off

"What's happening? Please, tell me!" I begged

"She did it... Regina, I saw her do it" Said Emma

"What are you talking about? How that make no sense" I said

"I used magic to see Pongo's memories... Regina did it. I'm so sorry" Emma said. No. NO! She couldn't have!

"No! No way" I said shaking my head to stop myself from crying

"Hope-" Emma began before I ran off towards the woods. I ran until I couldn't physically breathe any longer. I stopped when I was deep in the woods, surrounded by trees, away from any path that someone might walk down. My heart was pounding in my chest, everything felt like it was moving. I could feel myself hyperventilating before I let out a loud scream. I broke down, slumping down onto my knees and crying before screaming again, but this time, something happened. As I screamed fire shot out of my hands, taking me by surprise and stopping me from screaming any longer, something was wrong!

I hadn't used magic since Emma and Mary-Margret had been pulled through the portal and it had hurt, it was like I was being electrocuted again. But this time hadn't hurt, it felt like a release rather than pain. Sitting there, in the middle of the woods, surrounded by trees, I held my hand out again and focused on trying to make a fireball like I had seen Regina do before. Straight away, as soon as I ad pictured it, it appeared in my hand. I tried to do other little bits of magic making sure it didn't hurt. I moved some branches, conjured some fries, make my little finger a lighter! None of it hurt. It was...good, fun! My mood had brightened a little, but then my mind went back to Regina and Archie and how Regina had killed Archie with magic! I wanted to go home, I craved my bed. All I wanted to do was crawl up in my bed and cry! I pictured myself in the apartment and threw my arms up. I watched as a cloud of smoke surrounded me and when it cleared, I was in the apartment, exactly where I had pictured I'd be. I pictured me in my pyjamas and threw my arms up again. I looked down and I was wearing them, I crawled into bed and stayed there crying even after everyone else arrived home.

Henry came up the stairs to see how I was. He had clearly been crying too

"Henry leave her alone for a bit" Emma said quietly. Henry went downstairs and Emma came up the last few "Can I get you anything?"

"No" I whispered to her. I drifted off to sleep shortly after and dreamt of Archie's death, this time it didn't jump around as much and I saw Regina turning the corner after choking Archie and change into Cora. It wasn't Regina who killed Archie, it was Cora!

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