Chapter 8

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The next morning I woke up to Emma asking me if I wanted to go with her and Henry to get some stuff for tacos. Tonight was supposed to be a welcome home party thing for Emma and Mary-Margret so I said yes. We went out and got all the stuff and we stopped by the park so Henry could have some fun after a very stressful few weeks

"So what happened while I was away?" Emma asked me while we sat on a bench watching Henry play, drinking our coffee

"Well, Henry was having nightmares, there was this whole thing with Ruby and being a wolf. Some guy who had a bone to pick with David framed her for murder but it was fine we dealt with all that. Um, then David went into the sleeping curse and me and Henry lived happily for a week before you came back and cluttered all our space!" I said joking

"Wait you two just lived alone?" Emma asked

"Yeah, the distance with Regina has been good, she's trying to be better and a good person because we've had time apart. Plus I've been looking after Henry since I got here so it wasn't that big a deal" I replied

"That's a lot of pressure to put on a 17 year old though!" Emma said

"I used to look after triplet babies when one of my foster parents went away for a couple moths and left me alone with them, I was pretty sure a week or two with Henry was going to be fine" I replied

"Really? I mean I had some pretty sketchy foster placements, but I never had to look after babies!" Said Emma

"Please! That home was one of the better ones I went to" I replied

"What was you're worst home?" Emma asked

"Probably the Sullivan family. They had tones of ridiculous rules and if I broke any of them, which was often, the dad would take out a belt, a baseball bat and a crowbar and say 'pick' and I would have to choose what he beat me with" I replied

"Oh my god" Said Emma

"Yeah and that was just the dad! They had a daughter and they worshiped the ground she walked on, but she was jealous of me so would purposefully blame me or get me in trouble. Plus the mom would do the same, like blame me for little things. After a while the dad stopped giving me the option and just went straight for the crowbar" I replied

"I'm so sorry" Said Emma

"No, it's fine! I mean obviously it's not fine, but I am, fine I mean. It was a long time ago, I was like 8 at the time, so it was ages ago!" I said trying to joke about it

"I'm sorry I brought it up" Said Emma

"No, I mean I want to be honest with you. As long as you ask me and don't go snooping, I don't mind telling you anything!" I replied

"Ok... what was your best foster family experience?" Emma asked trying to lighten the mood

"Um... my first foster dad! He was a single guy, I had just been brought into the system. I don't really remember him much, just that he was really nice and he was a party entertainer, he did magic tricks, like the slight of hand ones not this stuff! But I just remember loving him so much! I lived with him for like three years before I was sent back... what about you?" I asked

"Wow, I'm not sure, I liked the independence of living on the street though I wouldn't recommend it! It is scary at night! But I think probably my first few when I was a baby and a toddler, everyone wants the younger kids ad the family's are so nice. But I don't remember anything specific" She replied

"Hey, should we be getting back? David and Snow will be wondering where we are" Said Henry

"Come on then" I replied grabbing my coffee cup and climbing into Emma's bug

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