Chapter 18

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The next couple of days were hard to get through. Gold kept using his magic to force me onto the table where he would torcher me until Lacy got bored. Back at the apartment, most of the time we talked, it was about going back to the enchanted forest. Although everyone refused to talk to me about Regina coming. I knew they wouldn't like it but would they really make her stay here alone? Are they really that cruel?

The only peace I had was when I was with Henry. No one had told him we were going back yet so I was safe from enchanted forest talk with him.

"Morning" Said Mom walking over to me and Henry putting food in the bird houses

"What are you doing here?" Henry asked

"I've missed you. And I wanted to show you something" She said walking over to us. She pulled something out of her pocket and unfolded it to show us a little bag with some magic beans in it "Emma and Mary-Margret and David have been keeping this from the both of you. They've been growing magic beans in secret. They want to take you to the enchanted forest... without me"

"Maybe we're all going and they just haven't told you yet?" Henry suggested

"How do you know this? I mean obviously you found the beans but how do you know they aren't taking you with us?" I asked

"They won't let me help, I overheard David and Mary-Margret talking. They don't see the good in me. The good you've seen. They only see the evil queen, which they made me. And I don't want to be that anymore. This is my chance to go back and start over, for me to be the hero. And you'd like that right?" She said

"I'd love it" Said Henry

"Here's how it will work. There's a fail-safe built into the curse. A trigger" She said

"Like a self-destruct button? like you never did it?" Henry asked

"Yes. It's the next best thing to turning back time" Said Regina

"That's amazing! What happens to Storybrook?" Henry asked

"It disappears... forever. And no need to worry, we can get away first. Back to the enchanted forest, using this" She said holding the beans

"What about everyone else?" Henry asked

"They die" Said Regina

"What?!" Henry asked shocked!

"I don't have any other choice. As long as there are other people in our lives, neither of you can ever fully be mine. Henry you loved me once, with them gone, you'll love me again, and you can see me for what I truly am... a hero" Said Regina

"Not if you kill everyone. You're a villain" Said Henry

"Me? They're the ones that have been keeping us apart! They're the villains" Said Regina

"How can I ever love someone who would do such horrible things? Why would you even tell us this?" Said Henry

"Because I don't have anyone else to talk to" Said Regina

"Well I'm going to stop you" Said Henry

"Everything I just said will come to pass, you're not going to remember a thing I just said" Regina told us as she dug in her bag to get out her spell book before using some magic that would make us forget the conversation. I stood there expecting to forget but I watched as she put her book away, I still remembered everything!

"Mom what are you doing here?" Henry asked as though she had just came over to us. The spell had clearly worked on him

"Just came to say hello! I've missed you both! Why don't you show me that bird feeder?" She said. Henry led her to the bird feeder while I stood still, puzzled as to why the spell didn't work on me!

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