Chapter 10

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I woke up the next morning knowing it was Cora that had killed Archie! I headed down the stairs to find Emma and David in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone

"Hey, I was about to come wake you to see of you wanted any food" Emma said as I sat down at the counter

"I had a dream last night" I said. The two of them gave each other a look

"What happened in it?" Emma asked

"I saw Archie get killed" I watched the look of horror on their faces but before they could say anything, I continued "I then watched as Regina walked out of the building and once she was around the corner, she used magic and changed into Cora"

"What?" Emma asked

"Cora disguised herself as Regina by using magic and killed Archie so mom would get the blame" I told them

"Look, Hope I know your upset about Regina, but it was her, Regina did it" Said David

"No she didn't! I saw her, it was Cora" I protested

"Why don't we talk about this later? We have to get ready" Said Emma going to wake Henry to get dressed for the funeral. We drove there together and listened as different people told stories about Archie and his life.

"Some of us knew him as Archie, others as jiminy, but we all knew him as a true friend. And though he may now be gone, he will always live on inside all of us, reminding us to be our best selves... To do the right thing, to always fight for what we believe in. So we shouldn't think of today as goodbye, just as a way of saying... 'Archie, we'll be listening'" Said Mary-Margret. Marco propped Archie's umbrella by his headstone as people started walking away, heading back to the apartment for the wake

Henry had been lonely and sad since Archie's death, he didn't want to talk anyone or eat anything.

"Ladies... The dwarves and I have been thinking, we have to ask, when are we going back?" Leroy asked Emma and Mary-Margret

"Back? Back where?" Emma asked as I walked over to them

"The enchanted forest. Our home" Said Leroy

"You wanna go back?" Mary-Margret asked

"We fought really hard to get here" Said Emma

"But with what Regina did to Archie, Storybrook isn't as safe as we thought" Said Leroy

"It's not exactly safe back their either. There are ogres and Cora is there, plus if you went back, it would mean no more burgers or other luxuries that you have clearly gotten used to here" I said

"We'll find Regina" Emma replied

"But it's not just her, the curse is broken. There's a whole world out there that don't know who or what we are. Ever think what might happen if one of them were to come pay us a visit?" Said Leroy

"He's right. What if they see, you know, magic? Like a girl turning into a wolf for example? Folks weren't exactly understanding back in our world" Said Ruby

"They're right" I said to Emma

"Ok, lets not worry about 'what ifs'. No one is here" Said Emma

"Yet. Maybe they come, maybe they don't. But that doesn't change the fact that while we might enjoy things like penicillin, we're a bit homesick" Said Leroy. Everyone gradually left and Ruby waited till there was time to pull me aside

"Why did you change your mind so quickly?" She asked

"What are you talking about?" I asked

"Before. One minute you said that it isn't safe over there and the next your saying that we're right" Said Ruby

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