Chapter 61

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Looking up, Alex stood at the door. They both looked at me with widened eyes. I suddenly felt embarrassed and looked away hiding my face. Why do I feel so awkward right now? It felt even more nerve wracking that neither of them were saying anything...I thought to look back at them, but I couldn't bring myself to.

"Is that it?" Jake finally broke the silence. "Well if that is, then I'll be heading out." Turning my head a little, I noticed Alex grab him by the arm, stopping him. He started to whisper something in his ear. Again, I averted my eyes, glancing back down at my wounded hand. I couldn't hear what Alex was saying, but my guess was that it had something to do with what they fought about earlier..

Shutting my eyes tightly, I breathed in and out through my nose. My body is so uneasy...I don't even know why. Even my heart is racing like crazy. Could it be because of what I said? About how I came to love Alex..

My hands were grabbed catching me by surprise. Eyes wide open, my head was lifted and I was face to face with Alex. I felt flushed with my cheeks beginning to burn. He leaned in fitting his lips with mine. It was quick, and he pulled away before I could kiss back. Alex pushed his lips together before he followed Jake out the door without even a single word. I didn't even know what to think, but I feel like what I said somehow changed the whole situation...

Brushing my hair back, I tangled my fingers between the strands gripping tightly. At this moment, I felt like pulling it out. This is all so confusing, my mind's just a jumbled mess! From the gap in memories, nothing seems right. I still don't know how I ended up with these wounds, what really caused those two to fight..I just don't know anymore!

The pain in my side suddenly stung, and I winced placing my hands over it. The wound in my left hand didn't hurt much anymore, I could barely feel any pain emitting from it, but my side, right now it was hurting worse than before. Probably because I was moving around more than I should have, even if it was just sitting up and rotating my body a bit. Slowly laying back down, I stared up at the ceiling. My side slowly began to ache less. I took a few small breathes trying to calm myself down. Breathing in and out, in and out. I shut my eyes as if I were falling asleep.

It wasn't long before the door was swung open. Another sound signaling that it had been shut. I didn't think to much about it before I opened my eyes. "So you are awake, I see." An unfamiliar voice sounded, and I pushed myself up again. Standing at the end of my bed stood a doctor dressed in white. He looked pretty young, around his mid twenties. The doctor walked over to the side of the bed and took a hold of my shoulder. "You should lie down and rest."

"I'm fine, really.." Shrugging his hand off, I felt a little uncomfortable.

Giving a slight smile, he nodded. "Do you mind if I have a quick look at your wounds? Just want to make sure they've been properly bandaged." Why is that I feel so uneasy right now? Hesitating, I nodded. He rested his hand on my shoulder again, and I gulped. "Just lay back and relax. This'll be over quickly." He gently pushed me back down, and I felt the sudden urge to sit back up again. The doctor gave me a cold stare. "I told you to lay down. I can't-"

"I have to use the bathroom." Throwing my legs off the bed, my arm was pulled back. "Would you please release my arm." A little more seriously, I pulled my arm a bit harder. His grip only got tighter. What was going on..? Why was he being so forceful?

"You can hold it." His face grew serious, almost a tad angry. Swallowing hard, I yanked my arm from his hand throwing myself off the bed. I cried out as I landed on my side. I felt the wound begin to reopen, and I pressed my hands against it harder this time. My hair was grabbed with my mouth covered before I could make another sound. Pulling me up to my feet, I took a hold of his arm trying to pull it away from my mouth. "You're coming with me." He guided me to the window kicking my feet forward. I thrashed back and forth, but his grip never wavered. A familiar looking space appeared in front of us, red and black air pushing against each other. It's the same from that first time. I was almost thrusted into this same space once before.

I was suddenly released and fell to my knees. Turning my head, I saw Alex standing behind me enraged in his red aura. "Keep your filthy hands off her!"

"Ooh, you actually came."

"You were able to hide your presence. Only trackers are able to do that."

He mocked Alex in return. "And sadly for you, you couldn't even detect it, of course until now, which brings me to the question Alex. How were you able to sense me?"

"You practically waved it in my face just now." Alex clenched his fists, the red emitting brighter. "Now I have a question for you, how do you know me? And also...I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you're the one named Zeke, right?" My heart skipped a beat with my body paralyzed. He's the one from my dream...he has to be!

"Well I guess there's no hiding that from you. Looks like someone's got a big mouth." Zeke glanced at me and back up at Alex. "Not like it matters though. Now, as for how I know you. That's easy. You're the big talk in hell right now, the one who killed our precious King."

"The bastard had it coming." His tone changed, a bit more serious with a bit of sincerity. "So, what business do you have with her? She wasn't the one who killed Zander. If you're looking for some type of revenge, then your business is with me, not her."

Zeke began to laugh. The air around felt discomforting. "That's where you're wrong. You really are easy to read. Just by your chivalrous act, that girl there is clearly your weakness." That word caused a slight tremor in Alex's body. Being so close to him, it was easy to see, but I wonder...could Zeke notice it too? "You see, she's the key point in all this."

"And how's that?"

"I'm going to do to her what you did to my king..." Even before he said the words it was already clear what they were.. "...I'm going to kill her." Alex took a step back as if he was ready to take action. "Oh but don't worry, it won't be an instant death. I'll taunt the two of you until I see fit, you won't even know what hit you!" He looked past Alex at me, giving a most frightening smirk. Just before Alex could charge at him, he disappeared leaving the most unsettling words. "I'll be seeing you again...Serine."

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