Chapter 73

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Rather than going to school, I decided to skip today. Laying down on one of the benches at the park, I stared up at the sky. So many things were racing through my head. Right now though, the main thing that bothered me is what Zeke's brother said, and the way he reacted. Why did he seem so, afraid? What did Zeke do to cause that reaction in him?

"Hey!" Jake's face suddenly appeared in front of mine, and I screamed out loud jumping up. In the process, I ended up hitting my head against his. "Ow, that hurt!"

"Don't do that, Jake! You almost gave me a freakin' heart attack." I sat up making room for him as I rubbed my forehead. "What are you doing out here anyways?"

"I noticed that you weren't at school, so I thought I'd come looking for you to see what's up." Patting me on the back, he finished. "So, what's up?"

A small laugh escaped. "A lot. You have no idea."

"Try me."

I figured I'd ask seeing as how we're here. "Does Zeke have a brother?"

Nodding, he leaned back against the bench. "Yea, I've only met him once though. His name's Bryce. Apparently, he's three years older than Zeke, yet it seems like it's the other way around." He scoffed as he shook his head. "I'm not sure if it's just me or what, but when I met him, he seemed really afraid. I mean, when Zeke was around he seemed happy and natural, but there were times where he had to step out, and everything just disappeared, like he was putting on an act around him."

So it wasn't just my imagination...he really may be scared of Zeke. But, for what reason could make him so afraid? Makes me want to meet him again...though it may be painful for him to talk about, I want to ask his story. "Anyways, why do you ask?"

"I met him. It was only for a short while, he ran me over with his bike and left again." Hesitating, I asked. "Do you know where he lives?"

"Sorry, but no." He quickly answered shaking his hands. "I don't do going to people's houses. Either people come to my house, or we meet up. Unfortunately for you, it was a meet up that led me to meet Bryce." Damn...I was hoping to go over and ask him.

"Alright, thanks anyways." I responded a little bit irritated.

"Relax, man. No need to be so uptight about it."

Before exploding on him. I took a deep breath. "I can't help it. Something's been bothering me, and I gotta find out what it is before I go insane."

"Already there."

"Not helping."

"Sorry." Standing up, he put his hands in his pockets. "But you know, I DO have their number.."

My attention was grabbed, and I shot up off the bench. "Do you have a phone I could use?"
He laugh shaking his head. "Whoa, slow down there. I do have a phone, but it's at my house. Besides, couldn't you use your own phone?"

"Yea right.." My phone's being guarded by a cruel monster known as Mike. "There's no way I could ever use that phone."

Jake nodded, giving in. "Alright, alright. My dad should be gone for work by the time we reach my house."

"And your mom?"

"Already at work."

I smiled. "Then let's go." Maybe I can find out the truth about Zeke and his true colors.


Reaching Jake's house, no cars were in sight, meaning his dad had already left. Jake pulled out a small slip of paper, handing it to me along with the phone. "Make it quick." Nodding in response, I quickly dialed the number.

One ring...two rings...three!

"Hello?" A familiar voice.

"Is this Bryce?" I asked a bit nervously.

"This is him. Who's this?"

Thank you! "My name's Caden, I was the one who you ran over with your bike."

He was quiet for a moment, as if thinking it over. "Oh, that's right! Sorry about that, again." He let out an uncomfortable laugh.

"It's fine." I felt scared to ask him now that it was time to let it out. I had no choice though. "I wanted to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"Do you mind if we can meet up at the park? I'd rather ask in person?"

"Sure. I can be there in about, ten minutes maybe?"

"Sounds great. See you then." Hanging up, I threw the phone at Jake. "Thanks."

He nodded hanging it back on the receiver. "Now let's go." Walking up to the door, we noticed a car pulling up from the window. "Dammit, what is my dad doing back already?" Jake began to freak out. "What do we do? My dad's going to kill me for skipping!"

I shrugged, and his dad started walking up the walkway. He quickly pushed me into the closet, and I could hear a loud thud from out the door. The door swung open, and I could hear his dad speaking. "What are you doing home?"

Jake started coughing, obviously fake. "I wasn't feeling to well, and they.." he coughed a few more times. "..sent me home." And a few more times.

Footsteps approached the closet door and my heart sank. I pushed myself back behind all the coats hanging in here all the way to the back just before the door flung open. "I see." His dad started, and I covered my mouth to not make any noise. "Well then you better get some rest. I forgot my coat so I came back to get it." Taking the coat in the front, he pulled it off the hanger and shut the door behind him. "I'm off again."

"Alright." Jake coughed a couple more times. "I'll be here." The front door was opened and shut again, and everything was dead silent. My guess was that Jake was waiting for some time to pass before coming to get me out of here. I was right.

Pushing through to the door way, the door was pulled open, and I came face to face with Jake. "Sorry, I panicked."

"I realized." Walking past him, I added. "By the way, that was the most bogus fake cough I've ever heard."

"Shut up! It worked alright? And in any case, now I've got to stay home."


He sighed as he threw himself on the bed. "Knowing my dad, he's going to call when he gets to work make sure I'm alright, and if I don't answer, he'll know something's up. I'm a light sleeper, so he knows that even a phone call can wake me up."

"I see." I wanted to laugh, but I held it in.

"Anyways, you should go. Bryce is probably waiting for you."

"Right. Thanks." He saluted me as he turned on the TV, and I went straight out his door.

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