Chapter 56

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A small smirk grew on his face, and my stomach collapsed. "And what makes you so sure of that?" He stepped forward toward me and I stepped back more. He managed to corner me against the wall.

"Who are you? And why are you pretending to be Alex?" He slammed his hands against the wall to my sides.

"Who am I you ask? Well can't you see, it's me, Alex."

"Stop lying!" He wrapped his hands around my neck causing me to flinch.

Rather than chocking me, I felt his hands slowly make their way down to my chest. When I took a hold of his wrists stopping him, he grabbed my wrists in the process and ended up pinning them against the wall. "Why are you so scared, it's me."

No, this isn't him. I know it's not. Why didn't I see it before? "No, you're not Alex..." Alex wouldn't..

"Well I guess there's no point in keeping this act up anymore." His grip got tighter and I winced. His body began to change, making him even taller than before. The color of his hair changed from black to a dark shade of red, just like Zander's. Unlike his though, it was completely red, and it was short. "You figured me out quite fast. I didn't expect that so soon. What gave me away?" He leaned his body in closer, and I looked away shutting my eyes. "No answer, huh?"

"What do you want from me? Who are you?"

"I'm sure you're familiar with the name Zander." My body flinched, and he let out a small laugh. "Who am I kidding, or course you are. After all, it was you and that demon named Alex who killed him."

"How do you-"

"Know? Please, I find my king dead in his throne room. You guys weren't too careful when covering your tracks, but my guess is you didn't even try. Oh and incase you couldn't tell, I'm quite skilled at tracking." So, he's a tracking demon too? Could he have been the one Alex sensed before? "It was easy finding you two, and boy did I come at a good time."

I began to struggle, forcing my arms to break free. He started to pull away himself, and my body fell forward. I caught myself and thrusted my body to the side.
"You don't have to worry. I'm not going to do anything to you."
All I could think was that there was more to this. Why trick me, bring me here and not do anything? Not that I want him too, but...there's something that feels off.

He leaned down, taking a lock of my hair running his fingers down the strands. I flinched back, and he grinned. "You're quite the looker aren't you? Too bad you're a human." His grin instantly vanished. "I hate humans." As he stood straight back up, I kicked myself back. "I can sense the fear coursing inside you. You're probably still itching to know what my goal is."

As he stared at me, I pushed myself back to my feet taking a step back. My voice went shaky. "It's obvious you're not just going to sit around and do nothing."

"You're right about that." He turned away and held up his hand. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to tell you anything. I mean what would be the fun in that, right?" Even though this isn't Zander, it still feels as if he's the one standing in front of me.

Taking another step back, I was grabbed from behind. A scream escaped me and my mouth was held shut. "I almost forgot, I never did introduce myself. For now, I'll keep my name a secret. So, instead, just call me..." He paused for a moment, his voice went all the way down to a whisper, and I groaned. "Killer."

He released me again, and I ran forward. When I turned around, he was gone. I began breathing heavily as if I just ran out of breathe. This guy...I don't even know what to make of him. I can't even tell if his motives are worse than Zander's right now, just so unpredictable. The fact that I know nothing makes me frightened to the core. I looked back and forth restlessly, but he was nowhere in sight.

A striking laugh came from all around me. "Well, I guess I'll be seeing you. Until next time." The sound disappeared, my guess is along with him.

I opened my mouth, only to close it again. I wanted to shout out wait only to find out where he brought me, but, he probably would only toy with me even more. A sudden chill filled the air and I began to shiver. Right now, I needed Alex by my side, I wanted him here, but there's a chance he's probably still angry with me...

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