Chapter 3

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Pulling up to the driveway, I had second thoughts about telling Caden what happened. At least, right now. I was still shaken up about the whole thing I just didn't want to think much less talk about it.

Following Caden inside, I decided to make a break for it and run straight upstairs to my room.

"Serine, wait!" He called from behind me, but I just kept running. My door slammed shut behind me as I threw my back up against it.

Footsteps pounded outside my door, growing ever so close with each step that was taken. "Come on Serine, you said you would talk to me."

Caden's voice sounded so betrayed, but I just couldn't bring myself to tell him. "I-I know....I'm sorry...I, thought I could say it but I can't..." He grew quiet. I couldn't even imagine the look on his face right now.

"So, that's it then?" He finally answered sending a chill down my spine. "I should've known you would have just avoided talking to me again. I'll leave you be then." The sound of his footsteps left.

My body instantaneously turned toward the door as I faced it with self detest. Why couldn't I just be honest with him? He's always been there for why?

Reaching out for the doorknob, my hand paused. Just before I could call out, I stopped myself. Even if I had called him back now, what would I say?

Right now, I just needed time to think it all through. I ran over and planted myself on my bed, burying my head in my pillow. This whole day has just been one crazy thing after another. Maybe if I cooled down a bit, it would be easier to tell him. Even though I slept through the whole day, I still had the urge to take a nap.

As I shut my eyes, all I could think about was Alex. What purpose did he have with me? Is he even related to the drawings I have resembling him? Why was he looking at me as if I were some sort of toy he could get pleasure from? There I go again...thinking too much. Man, my minds an endless record.

I'm just trying to relax and take a nap, is that really too much to ask?


The sound of my name echoed in the distance. This voice...Caden. Why is he calling me? It began to get louder...closer, almost as if...

"Serine, wake up. I bought us some dinner." My eyes opened, and there stood Caden. His presence glowed before me, as bright as a shimmering light.

Caden helped me sit up, and I held my forehead. "Are you alright? Today you haven't really been yourself. You're here but your mind is elsewhere."

He's right. I haven't been in my right mind today. "I-I'm sorry...Caden, I-"

"If it's about what you wanted to tell me, you don't have to." He interjected turning away from me. "I thought about it while you were sleeping. I'll stop meddling with your life. You'd probably be happier that way anyways." And he left without a word.

"Caden, wait!" I called out, but he just ignored me. Had I really upset him that much? If only I had just been honest from the beginning, he wouldn't feel this way. Not only that...his words just now wouldn't have struck me so bad.

I've decided to push people out of my life, but always let Caden in little by little. But...will I really be happy if suddenly he were gone?

My mind is a total mess right now..


After some time thinking it over, I finally made up my mind. Trotting downstairs, I saw Caden watching cartoons as he ate alone. Taking a deep breath, I walked over and turned off the tv.

"Hey, I was watching that!" Caden yelled from behind me. It only made my nerves worse, but I sucked it up. Facing him, his face expressed anger. It discomforted me, but it had to be done.

"You remember those drawings I did as a kid..." I swallowed hard, hesitating a bit. I continued. "You asked if I saw those images again."

His facial expression changed, a little confused as he raised an eyebrow. "Yea, what about them?"

Just thinking about it caused my stomach to perform flips. I answered him with a delay. " wasn't that I saw the images, I guess, but more like they...became reality."

Just with one glance, I could tell Caden got even more confused. "Huh? What do you mean a reality?" I knew it. How am I supposed to explain this to him?

"That, I'm not sure how to put it into words..." I stumbled on my speech. Now I'm really at a loss for words.

"Are you saying you may have had a run-in with one of the characters you drew?" Suddenly, the words became clear coming from Caden. How was he able to piece it together so fast? "I mean, that sounds crazy, but if it happened, then there must be some kind of connection."

Tilting my head, I responded. "What do you mean by, connection?"

He gave a shrug setting his plate down. "Well, I know you were always against it, but what if I was right. What if the images you saw were pieces of the future?"

"T-that's not it?"

"Who knows. Or, maybe perhaps it's just pure coincidence."

"I thought you never believed in coincidences."

Caden laughed standing to his feet. "I don't. But you probably believe in coincidence more than future visions right?" He approached me placing his hand on my head. "Don't worry. We'll figure it out."

I couldn't help but smile. I nodded. "Alright." After telling him everything that happened, I felt like a weight was dropped off my shoulders. With Caden around, he always manages to get me back on track, and for now, that's good enough for me.

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