Chapter 5

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I felt my cheeks begin to heat and quickly turned away facing the front of the class. Pushing my lips together, I looked back down at the note in front of me. I saw you. Those three measly words rang in my head. The only thing that would explain it was that he was seeing those images too.


In the corner of my eye, I saw another note being slipped on my desk. My heart skipped a beat, causing my nerves to act up again. What could he have written this time? Hesitating, I opened up the note and read what was written. "Have you fallen for me already?"

As if my cheeks weren't already red enough, I could only guess that I looked like a tomato now. I brought my hand up to my face covering my mouth and cheeks. How could I fall for him? Was that even possible for me?

"Strike a nerve?" I heard him whisper from beside me.

I looked over and whispered. "Not at all." I lied.

He gave a snide smirk and tsked.
My eyes borrowed a bit and I started. "You-"

"Ms. Evans, is there something you'd like to say?" Our teacher interrupted me causing my body to jump from surprise. He was pretty intimidating, especially considering his size. He could be a wrestler if he really wanted too. Everyone in the class turned their heads, and all eyes were on me!

Looking forward, I shook my head. "No, Mr. Berry. Sorry..."

"Pay attention, Ms. Evans. This is your first warning." First. This was my first ever warning. I've never been bothered with, never even mentioned, nor called on for that matter.

As Mr. Berry began to teach again, I could hear everyone beginning to snicker, including Alex. This is all his fault. If he hadn't shown up, none of this would be happening.

I gave Alex one last look that read Satisfied? All he did was smile in return.


Class was finally over and I jumped up out of my seat ready to escape. Just before I could run out the door, Alex stepped in front of me blocking my way. "What do you want?" I snapped pushing him out of the doorway.

He grabbed my wrist causing me to jolt back. "You and I are having lunch together."

"I decline." Bringing my attitude down a bit, I pulled my wrist away.

"It's not a request." Alex put his hand on my shoulder and whispered in my ear. "It's a demand." And he walked away without another word.

I suddenly felt flushed. My heart pounded harder than before. Damn it, why do I suddenly feel nervous? I got to keep it together. I can't loose my head over something as silly as this.

With my head so lost in thought, I forgot I was standing in the middle of the hallway and felt a sudden impact knocking me against the wall.

"Get out of the way. Freak." A guy snapped walking by. By his jersey, my guess was that he was another jock. As I turned the opposite direction, I heard Caden's voice approaching.

"Hey, Bret. Why don't you watch where you're going rather than push people out of the way." He shouted over the crowd, and in an instant, everybody stopped.


"You talking to me?" Bret asked, a little more irritated. I could hear footsteps echo behind me.

Looking up at Caden, he stared straight at Bret. He shrugged. "Bret is your name is it not? Or should I start calling you jerk from now on?"

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