7.6 Years Ago

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  This is Genji, security level Omega. Password... Rogue-712-2018..., title Agamemnon Contingency, this is a recording of plans I have set to take down beings across the multiverse who have I've come to know as friends and family. People I have put my trust in, time and time and again but ever since my second battle with Ethan Fritz have made me realize... we need to prepare for the worst which brings us to...

Agamemnon Contingency, Code Name: Dark King, Ethan Fritz is one of the strongest Ocs I've ever faced and is almost unkillable. But with the encounter with Ryku is proven that he can die. Killing his wife Historia is a way to do the trick but to only neutralize him. Divine Light is a key factor, though can kill him if used enough.

Agamemnon Contingency, Code Name: Pan, Maya and Ginga Adams are two Ocs with masses of power. A way to beat them is to target a weak spot such as feelings and blind spots. Their weapons are their main way of fighting, if taken than they are almost vulnerable to regular attacks.

Agamemnon Contingency, Code Name: Gold Dumbass, Cosmos is a complete moron when is comes to everything as he doesn't even know what the word rejection means... but when it comes to fighting. He is a massive strategist, along with a gun expert and is known for his assassinations. One of his weaknesses is his alcohol addiction along with being off guard most of the time in his Ghidorah form. Destroying a bottle full of Vodka while he's in a drunken state would get him emotionally broken which is the perfect chance to strike.

Agamemnon Contingency, Code Name: Impact, Kenji Sato is a Eva pilot for could possibly cause the destruction of the entire universe or more. Which is why this one is every important, one way to defeat him is to cut off his power supply from his Eva. His G Form is the trickiest to defeat but it is known he looses control during it and is unpredictable when fighting like an animal, tricking him into acid or lava should do the trick. His God Form is unknown, that is one thing I hope I don't have to prepare for....

Agamemnon Contingency, Code Name: Angel, Angela is the love of my life, she has been to hell and back with me for as long as I can remember lifting me from my grieving of my wife which is one reason it be difficult to face her in combat if it were to come down to that, it's not a thought i relish...but it must be done. Angela is a very kind person and will go out to do anything for those she cares for, taking Hostages specifically her family is one way to lure her. The way to beat her is to burn her wings so she can't escape but they will heal given time. One way to knock her out is to use tear gas or injection of some sort of drug. To kill her you will need highly concentrated negative power, one to shot to the heart will do the trick which also reminds me...

Agamemnon Contingency, Code Name: Red Son, Son Ryku is one of the sons of Goku from a different universe. Saiyans have a lust for getting stronger so they will do anything they can to do so. Negative Energy, shown by Ethan's children Hellia and Exedra.

Agamemnon Contingency, Code Name: Shifters, All titan shifters pose no real amounting threat but from I've learned from Eren Yeager, they are more than enough to handle being like Ethan, best way of handling beings such as Eren and Reiner is to make them think they have the upper hand as their cockyness will get the better of them. Bertholdt, Ymir, Pieck, Armin pose no real threat. Zeke is very easy, just rip off one of his arms but to prevent shifting, cut a limb off when unconscious, this has been demonstrated in a alternate world by a different Eren as it will prevent shifting as the titan's healing factor would focus on healing the body than transformation. Alice Yeager is the most difficult opponent, I have won both times we have faced but she is still just a child meaning her potential could be boundless. From what I've learned the Dark Sword implanted by Ethan Fritz which sits on my back can kill her, any weapons made by the Darkness should be able to kill her or just sneak into her room and shoot her in the head while she's asleep. All have the capability to fuse into one being, in order to possibly stop this is to kill one of the shifters before they can get the chance to.

Agamemnon Contingency, Code Name: Devil's Queen, Historia Reiss is Ethan's beloved which will make it harder to defeat her. Divine Light is a trick to kill her along with weapons made in heaven. Angela has demonstrated that they are both equal in power so that would be easy for people like myself, Kenji, and Ethan to take her down.

Agamemnon Contingency, Code Name: Wolf, Exedra is the son of Ethan and Historia. He is a formidable foe though he lacks combat experience which is one advantage if you're a skilled fighter. His sister is one of his weaknesses, it is shown that they are in love and will stay by eachother's side for eternity. Exedra is also weak to Divine light, he mostly likes to stay in his wolf form so a wolf's weak spot is his aswell.

Agamemnon Contingency, Code Name: Dragoness, Hellia is daughter of Ethan and Historia. Like her brother he is also her weakness, she is weak to emotions when her family is mentioned. Divine Light as always is a way to defeat her. Hellia is also inexperienced with combat and isn't close to her full potential so now's the time to strike.

Agamemnon Contingency, Code Name: Princess, my daughter Gojirin unlike Hellia and Ethan is a master at martial arts, she has been taught by both me, Annie Leonhart, Ethan, Historia, and my wife Angela. A weakness of hers is anger, which she will loose control and attack blindly. Another weakness is the fact she likes to play with her opponents so be very prepare when she comes at you full force. A way to kill her is to use the Oxygen Destroyer, a weakness I don't like to talk about, but she does have a way of protecting herself from it. Using her crystals she can form a barrier around herself protecting her from both the blast a weapon at use, maker her loose her guard would do the trick.

Agamemnon Contingency, Code Name: Titanus, Gabriel is my son who is also a master at combat. Unlike sister he likes to finish the battle quick and easy. Gabriel's weakness is the like every Godzilla the Oxygen Destroyer, but since he is my son I'd rather not risk to have to use that. Dropping him from a high attitude is one way to knock him unconscious.

If these contingency plans are ever discovered when the wake of my being is capacitating, please...please understand...this had to be done for each of us...which leads to...

Agamemnon Contingency, Code Name: Cybernetic King, Genji one of the most deadliest Ocs which is why is he one of the biggest threats to the multiverse. A Emp is a way to disarm his weapons but he can still move even when the Emp has taken effect. His weaknesses are the same as his son Gabriel, though one of his weaknesses another is his emotions. His parents are a excellent blind spot aswell, though Genji has one form that only Angela knows of...Ultra Instinct. Ultra Instinct is a ability when the mind is clear and your body moves on it's own. One weakness to it though, Genji dies after usage depending if his body is strong enough to handle it. If able to last 30 minutes in battle than you have surely lived to see another day.....

For those who may be watching, I have one last message for you, be careful when you do this...

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