Off Spring

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A lighting bolt struck the ground as a portal opened with a golden figure walking out.

Legendaro walked around on the half destroyed island, it's plant life has regrow with animals returning to the island

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Legendaro walked around on the half destroyed island, it's plant life has regrow with animals returning to the island. Angela's radiation gave the island life again. Legendaro opened his palm as green particles formed a orb in his hand.

Legendaro: So this is what remains of you? Heh you really know how to make things difficult for me

Legendaro smiled make another orb with Angela's DNA.

Legendaro: Time for...
"Project: Reconstruction"

Legendaro teleported into a lab as he placed the orbs in the air as he started to multiple Genji's cells. He smiled as he placed pieces of it in water tanks which started to form creatures. Legendaro smiled as he added Angela's into 500,000,000,000 tanks out of the 1,000,000,000,000 tanks. He than started to add armor on them as a few changed the color of the armor.

 He than started to add armor on them as a few changed the color of the armor

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The creatures broke out of their tanks and roared small shrieks as they turned towards Legendaro

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The creatures broke out of their tanks and roared small shrieks as they turned towards Legendaro. The creatures roared as Legendaro opened multiple portals as they ran inside and attacked anything they saw.

Legendaro: It is only a matter of time till they make it to their worlds!


Kenji walked along the sand as he saw multiple spikes in the water as they jumped out at him.


They all attack him destroying parts of his Eva armor until Kenji took out a knife and stabbed two of them. He was able to slice off one's head only for the head to grow it's own body as the body grew it's own head.

Kenji: What the hell?

The creatures roared screaming out Genji's roar but more high pitched. Kenji was shocked as one stabbed him with its tail and started to drain it's energy. The Evajiu roared as wings spread from it's back as more started to drain him. Kenji growled as he released a nuclear pulse and teleported to a different dimension.

Kenji: What the hell was that? They didn't look natural, plus they had the same roar as Genji but he's dead- wait that's it! Genji's remains...they were made using his DNA, not only that but a few had Angela's wings. What ever they are...I don't like it...


In another dimension, 500 took over that world as they created a cave as 5 opened their mouths and threw up eggs. They than hatched with half human half kaiju creatures climbing out. The creatures roared as the multiverse was doomed.

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