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The colorful aura disappeared with only smoke left as it then blew off faster than the eye could see showing Akane standing in the middle of where the explosion happened. Her body adopting a white glow while her arms and legs were transparent showing galaxies and stars instead. Legendaro Genji's visor zoomed in on her.


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The mechanical kaiju threw Exedra to the side with the three women instantly flying to his aid. Legendaro Genji charged forward using his remaining hand to punch Akane causing the crater around them to grow bigger and deeper. Sending the Ocs in the blast zone flying backwards including the brides, the smoke cleared showing Akane still standing with the giant fist against her body. Using one arm she pulled the massive hand down revealing that she hadn't even phased from the attack.

Akane: Is that it?

Legendaro Genji's visor burned brightly in response with Akane pulling her remaining arm back forming a fist.

Akane: ...My turn

Out of nowhere Akane appeared punching Legendaro Genji straight in the stomach sending him flying into the edge of the crater. Akane floated towards Legendaro Genji as he reached for his sword making it seem humorous to her. Legendaro Genji let out a roar slamming the sword against her side sending out a shock wave cutting the trees in the direction in half. Akane still took to effect, the kaiju in response began to strike Akane repeatedly with his sword. Do no physical effect what so ever before the girl annoyed used one hand and chopped the sword's blade in half. Legendaro Genji roared out unleashing his most powerful atomic blast possible all on Akane.

Diana: AKANE!!!

Alice: Diana... look

The two watched as the blast slowly dissipated showing Akane holding a ball of what seemed to be Legendaro Genji's attack.

Akane: Let's see if you know what's it's like to feel your own power used against you

She then sent the blast flying back into Legendaro Genji sending the kaiju flying into a pile of rubble. It got up, twitching due to the fact it's armor was damaged severely before being struck by another energy beam destroying it's left arm completely. Legendaro Genji looked up seeing Akane holding out her hand showing the attack came from her. The kaiju rushed back at her using his tail blade and arm trying to strike Akane who simply moved one arm around blocking each attack. Legendaro Genji pulled his arm back roaring out charging more than 50 percent of his power into it striking her causing a massive explosion, no effect what so ever to Akane as Legendaro Genji injured himself being in the center of the explosion. The girl snickered at the kaiju being injured by his own attack. Akane kicked Legendaro Genji sending him flying into the air. Akane teleported above Legendaro Genji smashing into his body with one swift kick causing him to crash against the ground with a giant mushroom cloud as the aftermath of the crash. Legendaro Genji stood up barely able to move as his visor gave him error sounds and warnings with Akane landing back in front of him 20 meters away.

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