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The Mech sat dormant, there was no need to even turn it on. She would only be turned on if a kaiju were to appear but that could be forever. Legendaro watched from his world as Mio slept inside the machine. Legendaro smiled lifting his hand up and striking Mio in the head with a dream. Mio woke up to see blury images of two individuals, she was confused until she realized who one of them were. It was Kenji, she ran to him only for a glass like force field to stop her. They couldn't see or hear her, she then saw the next person was Gojirin. Mio was confused on why Gojirin was in this dream, that was when she saw it. Gojirin held a child in her arms, it resembled both Kenji and Gojirin. Mio felt her eyes fill with tears as Legendaro stood behind her smiling. He transformed himself into Genji forming his axe holding it up, Mio turned her head to see the disguised Legendaro. He lifted the axe and slammed it on Mio as she woke from the nightmare.

Mio: What the hell was that!?

Legendaro mimicking Mio's voice: He replaced us, for her and they had a child and from the looks of it they could have another

Mio: No, that's not true, it was all a dream!

Legendaro mimicking Mio: Was it a dream or was it really reality!

Mio broke down as tears fell from her eyes. Legendaro smiled placing a mug below her as her tears filled it up. Mio didn't noticed but Legendaro enjoyed every moment of her sadness.

(Legendaro: Yeah I'm one evil motherfucker)

Legendaro mimicking Mio: He must pay for abandoning us! And his child will be the sacrifice!

Mio stopped crying as she began to laugh as her eyes turned bright red. Legendaro smiled at this, he opened his hand giving the mech power. The mech turned red as it awoken releasing a roar of rage.


Nerv rushed into the holding room as they watched through the glass as the meka began to tear the wires on it

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Nerv rushed into the holding room as they watched through the glass as the meka began to tear the wires on it.

Misato: What the hell is going on!?

Maya (Evangelion): We have no idea the Meka just turned on, on it's own! We're detecting a massive amount of energy ready explode!

That was when a portal opened infront of the Meka as it turned seeing the world where the ocs were. The Meka roared running towards it jumping through as the portal closed. Gendo watched from afar keeping a stern look as Misato order everyone to figure out what happened.


Mio landed on the ground as she stood up looking at her surroundings. Mio growled as she blasted her atomic laser destroying half of the landscape. Fire formed around the meka as it roared in rage alerting everything of it's presence. Genji sat talking to his mouth as both heard the roar, Genji turned his head as his visor glowed red. Gojirin was playing with Akari when she heard it, turning her head in confusion.

Kenji: I don't think we're alone on this planet...



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