Genji Vs. Kenji

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Genji stood silent as well as Kenji, the two stared towards each other. Kenji could remember what Genji was before all of this, Genji was much kinder, wiser, and had much thought before doing something. This Genji was just a animal with evil intent, killing innocent people along with destroying entire worlds. This was a destroyer vs a protector, the question was who's might was stronger?

Genji ran towards Kenji trying to take a bite out of the Eva, Kenji dodged his attack responding with a knife to the neck in the same spot Shinji stabbed him. Genji roared in pain before swiping Kenji out of the way sending the Eva into a building, Kenji emerged immediately grabbing a large chunk of the building and throwing at Genji. Genji blew the huge building up with a attack from his visor, smoke filled the air though the two could still see each other, Genji smiled running towards Kenji throwing a punch only for Kenji to move his head out of the way.

Kenji: Got ya

Kenji then grabbed Genji's arm and flipped him over, the kaiju flew over everyone's heads crashing into a building on top, Genji laid there for three seconds before the building collapsed due to his weight. Genji emerged shaking off the debris

Genji turned towards Kenji as his spikes began to turn green, Kenji grabbed the Lance Of Longinus and ran towards the kaiju, Genji chomped into the spear as Kenji turned him

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Genji turned towards Kenji as his spikes began to turn green, Kenji grabbed the Lance Of Longinus and ran towards the kaiju, Genji chomped into the spear as Kenji turned him. 

The two stared at each other before Genji unleashed a laser from his visor with Kenji turning his head away

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The two stared at each other before Genji unleashed a laser from his visor with Kenji turning his head away. Genji grabbed onto the Eva's shoulder lifting the Unit up into air.

 Genji grabbed onto the Eva's shoulder lifting the Unit up into air

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