Bigger Than This

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Genji left as soon as he could to search for this new threat, Angela along with everyone were out that day including Alice. It was just Kenji, Akari, Naira, Genji, and Gojirin along with Zeus.

Kenji: I want you and Akari to stay here and not to come out unless it's a emergency

Gojirin: Got it, Dad already left to find this threat, Zeus is outside keeping a low profile.

Kenji: I'm going to help your dad, if you need me just press this button

Kenji gave Gojirin a red button to press if danger is nearby. Gojirin decided to take her mind of the situation by watching something with Akari. 10 minutes passed as Genji and Kenji were out looking the threat. Genji was in his kaiju form while Kenji was in his Eva.

Genji: What do think this is?

Kenji: It sounded mechanical yet I felt rage through it, like it's here for something else

Gojirin watched the TV as Akari fell asleep next to her. Gojirin kept a straight eye on Akari making sure if anything were to happen she could protect her. That was when she heard electricity behind her turning her head to see a large mechanical creature.

Gojirin: Shit

The creature roared throwing a fist at Gojirin only for the kaiju woman to dodge and swing it out the window crashing into the trees. The robot rose up roaring in rage as Gojirin pressed the red button. Kenji and Genji immediately started to run back, the robot roared only for Zeus to slam his back against it. The robot roared towards the dog as the dog barked. Gojirin ran inside grabbing Akari and running off. The robot turned its head and began to chase after the two before Zeus chomped on it's tail and dragged it back. The robot grabbed Zeus by the neck and preceded to drag him around. The dog barked biting onto the robot's leg flipping it, it stabbed it's tail right into his leg cause the dog to fall.

The robot lifted the doggo and threw it into the trees landing face first. It turned away to chase after Gojirin and Akari as Genji arrived just as it left. Kenji noticed Zeus and growled turning his head to follow it. Genji stayed behind to tend to Zeus realizing Gojirin and Akari were gone. This enraged Kenji more as he ran as fast as he could to find the robot. Gojirin ran holding Akari before turning into her kaiju form spreading her wings and flying up. Until she felt something grab her tail and slam her down. Gojirin turned to see the robot as it glowed red, Gojirin made a crystal ball placing Akari inside it with a small hole for her to breath. Gojirin placed Akari on the ground turning to face this new threat.

Gojirin: Bring it...

The robot roared punching Gojirin in the face as the kaiju turned and chomped onto it's arm. The robot roared punching it in the face.

It then began to repair itself as Gojirim punched it straight in the chest sending it back

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It then began to repair itself as Gojirim punched it straight in the chest sending it back. Gojirin roared blasting her atomic breath towards it, it lifted it's new repaired arm and obsorbed the blast powering itself. It ran towards Gojirin with the same force and power of her attack and punched her square in the face. Gojirin landed on the ground as the robot grabbed her head and began to repeatly slam her on the ground. Akari saw her mother being brutally beaten as she began to cry.

Dareka: Release your power Akari...

The robot threw Gojirin to the side as the kaiju got up ready to continue the fight. Gojirin saw injured but not enough to stop her from fighting. That was when they saw a massive explosion come from Akari's crystal. Gojirin looked as something rose from it.

 Gojirin looked as something rose from it

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Gojirin: Akari?

The robot stared at the angel as it floated towards the robot. Genji and Kenji arrived to see the angel as it rose up. The sky turned red as dirt and rocks began to float surrounding her as the ground began to break apart.

Kenji: Oh no

Genji: What?

Kenji: I can sense her, the world is breaking, her emotions are out of place and worst, she isn't even using a tenth of her power in this form...

Genji: WHAT!?

Akari's eye blinked causing everyone to transport to another dimension in a void. Genji and Kenji along with Gojirin were placed in red bubbles as they watched. The robot roared trying to attack the angel as it was impaled by three black spikes, the robot roared in pain as Kenji heard Mio through that scream.

Kenji: It couldn't be...

It brought the robot to the angel's eye as Akari transformed back into a baby as a red bubble formed around her, that was when 100 red orbs the size of three suns formed around them. The robot began to struggle trying to break free from the spikes as the orbs clashed against the mechanical robot. The body had broken at one, as the rest were just overkill, the baby was angry, really angry. Kenji saw as the center broke apart seeing the Silhouette of Mio as her body had been twisted and turned just as it broke apart. 

Akari settled down before she transported everyone back to the mansion. Akari floated down to Gojirin as she hugged her baby with Akari yawning before falling asleep in her mouths arms. She began to cradle the sleeping baby as Genji stared at Akari.

Genji: Holy shit she's OP

Gojirin: I think we know that Alice might be the only one who can stop her

Kenji: What about Exedra?

Gojirin: He has a limit, Akari is a Oc Creator she doesn't...

Inside Kenji's head

Torwart: And I thought Kenji was OP

Armaros: Akari has the potential to surpass everyone, the only one who can possibly dream to do so is her sibling

Dareka: Heh, yes, she will be arriving soon...

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