Final Fall

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Thunder struck around the area, sometimes blue, yellow, or red. Rain poured everywhere cleaning the blood that stained the area, raining so much it began to sweep away some of the bodies around the area.

It then instantly cut to Alice and Genji battling Legendaro, Alice landing an elbow to the stomach that barely had any effect before Genji smashed his head against Legendaro knocking him back a bit. He responded by smashing his head against Genji sending the kaiju flying back, Alice swung her sword only for Legendaro to block it with one arm before punching Alice in the stomach sending her into the sky. Genji stood back up only for Legendaro to smash his knee against his chest sending him into a mountain.

That was when Legendaro felt a light shine behind him turning to see Alice in the air spreading out her platinum angel wings. The gem on Legendaro's forehead began to glow unleashing a light purple colored laser towards Alice, Alice dodged instantly with Legendaro beginning to chase her around. Alice smiled as Legendaro cut five mountain tops as she let out Ymir's roar summoning five colossal titans grabbing the mountain tops and throwing them on top of Legendaro.

An explosion of red energy disintegrated the mountain tops and titans but disoriented Alice sending crashing into the ground. When she stood back up she found herself surrounded by bodies, some she knew, some she never heard off. That was when she saw Diana's body with the same dead look in her eyes, the rain making it seem like tears were falling from her eyes. Legendaro landed right behind Alice as he decided to remark on the view of all this.

Legendaro: Look at that, my life's work and accomplishments, the death of entire universes all on this one singular little planet...

Alice turned filled with rage with her sword only to freeze right when she was about to reach Legendaro's neck. She looked to see some kind of binding magic around her body which kept her in place. Legendaro moved her sword away from his neck with one finger while he snickered making Alice angrier.

Legendaro: You know Alice... out of all the ocs I've seen of Darkus, you interest me the most

Alice: I thought Infernia was the one you had your eyes all set on?

Legendaro: I admit her power is extraordinary but her herself is mostly boring, fights aren't that fun when you can make your opponent feel anything, Cassandra was especially fun to toy with along with Historia

Alice: So is that all this is? To toy with my emotions... you can't break what is already broken

Legendaro: But I can destroy of what already remains!

Genji let out a roar as Legendaro turned around to be kicked in the face being sent flying into a mountain breaking the binding spell on Alice. Genji took a deep breath closing his eyes as the aura of ultra instinct surrounded his body once more. The two stood together strong with Alice spreading out her wings as Legendaro stood up once more jumping to the air before crashing a few meters away from the two.

Legendaro smiled as he unleashed a powerful aura that could knock out almost anyone or anything it touched. Genji and Alice responded in kind, unleashing a combined aura of divine light and ultra instinct as the two battled with Legendaro's chaotic aura. The three auras eventually dissipated as Genji and Alice rushed forward landing a heavy hit on Legendaro knocking him back a little. The chaos creator growled throwing a punch towards Genji only for him to dodge and land a punch to the face, Alice sliced his leg causing him to fall on one knee, Alice went for the neck only for Legendaro grab her neck with his tail and swing her away.

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