A Radio For Help

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Genji roared in a burning city over the dead bodies of Eva units 1, 2, 3, 14, and 15. Mio ran at Genji only for the kaiju to grab her arm and preceed to rip it off and slam it against her. Genji kicked Mio into the ground pinning her with his foot, the kaiju began to glow unleashing a atomic blast on the eva unit killing her. Genji roared as the smoke behind him formed a mushroom cloud as his roar sounded like laughter.

Kenji woke up breathing heavily, it was just a nightmare but it felt to real, Genji was seen clear through his dream

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Kenji woke up breathing heavily, it was just a nightmare but it felt to real, Genji was seen clear through his dream. Kenji looked to the side of his bed as Mio was holding his arm and was still asleep. Kenji sighed in relief and fell back on his bed as he would another 5 hours of rest before training with Gojirin. 

Five hours passed as Kenji was in a small arena of sand with Gojirin standing in the middle. Alice stood right beside him, the two staring at a yawning Gojirin. Alice took one step unleashing a row of crystals that charged towards Gojirin only for to form a crystal wall infront of the attack. Gojirin took out her spear and sliced into the wall breaking it in half. Gojirin smiled running towards the two forming spikes on her back. Kenji took out a small knife such as this one.

Gojirin smiled as her spear hit the knife, Gojirin had more power in the attack as Kenji had very little time to react

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Gojirin smiled as her spear hit the knife, Gojirin had more power in the attack as Kenji had very little time to react. The two were in a struggle as Alice broke it by sending Gojirin flying with a punch with some crystal brass knuckles. Gojirin flew before doing a backflip landing on her feet.

Kenji and Alice smiled jumping into the air surpising Gojirin on how coordinated they were did a flip hitting Gojirin in her sides with one of their legs. The two did a back flip as Alice formed a crystal behind Gojirin sending her foward as she coughed out spit with Kenji and Alice jumping at the same time punching her in the stomach causing more spit to come out. Gojirin crashed seeing only the dark figures of Alice and Kenji and the blue sky.

Gojirin: Ah motherfu-

Before Gojirin could finish two feet crashed into her leaving a crater as she laid in it as half her gi was destroyed revealing half her body, luckly she was wearing a bra. Kenji blushed at the sight while Alice didn't care. Gojirin stood up and smiled towards the two leaving them confused.

*Music Ends*

Gojirin: *panting for 10 seconds then stops* ...alright.....my turn!

Gojirin smiled go faster than their eyes could see appearing right behind them.


Gojirin stood quietly as Alice and Kenji then felt the full force of her attacks and fell to the ground defeat. Gojirin turned her head smiling as she just used all her power in those attacks, they were almost ready but they would need to train a bit more until they surpass her. Alice has the power but not the skill while Kenji is something else, something a creator might even fear, he truly was her father's successor. Zeus walked over with a plate on his back holding a glass of water with ice as Gojirin gulped it all down in a second refreshing herself.  Angela watched from afar impressed by her daughter's power but she would also need some training, learning about her creator form is what Angela wanted her to learn the most along with HAKAI, Angela turned away wander off to find Leo and teach him how to activate his mothra form. Kenji woke up on the ground as he began to shake Alice waking her up as Gojirin was staring at them as she was dripping sweat.

Gojirin: I'm impressed! You just made me use all of my power into one attack, if you were trying to kill me you would have since you've been only out 3 minutes. Unfortunately that's not good enough if this was Exedra you would need to handle much more than my power, example my father in Ultra Instinct, but honestly no one can surpass him, Exedra might be strong but my father is not gonna let him surpass him.

Kenji: I think that's enough for today, I'm going to go take a shower see you later!

Alice was about to say the same only for Gojirin to grab her shoulder and look her dead in the eye.

Gojirin: Alice promise me this, you will kill Exedra right on the spot, NO hesitation...

Alice nodded walking away leaving Gojirin by herself. Ten minutes passed with Kenji laying on his bed staring at the ceiling still thinking about his dream. He then heard a beeping sound turning to see a circle device, he grabbed it immediately checking to see what it was on about until he unleashed a hologram.

Maya (Evangelion): We are calling from world C-256781, a kaiju has appeared and is already making quick work of our defenses, please if anyone hears this come immediately!

Kenji was confused until they showed the monster, the metallic armor, the green visor, and his large row of spikes, the monster was Genji. Kenji rushed out his room scaring Mio as she was standing from side of the door.

Mio: Kenji what happened?

Kenji: Where's Eva Unit-G1?

Mio: It's with Kiryu, why do you ask?

Kenji: Genji's in our universe.

Genji roared towards the Evas who were challenging him, Genji's goal was to get to Nerv and destroy Lilith, he wasn't going to let two children get in his way. Genji roared charging at them as his back began to glow green with Unit 15.

Kenji has been warned about the threat in his universe, but can he make it in time to save his comrades and friends or will he arrive to late. Find out next next on OC Ball Z GT Super Kai!

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