A Golden Return

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Legendaro Genji stood in front of the group of Ocs and Aot characters, nothing but silence. Angela's forehead dripped sweat, Ethan's filled with rage, Alice uncertainty, Exedra a calm but focused look. Resusa wanted to run and hug the golden kaiju only for Maya to stop her in her tracks.

Resusa: What are you doing? It's Genji, all he got was a paint job!

Maya: You're right in a way... it is Genji, not yours though, he's something else... something more sinister

Resusa looked at the golden copy of her husband he tilted his head down before unleashing a blue massive aura sending dirt, rocks, and dust everywhere. Everyone being pushed back, covering their eyes, or both before stopping with Legendaro Genji moved his head once more looking towards the sky as birds flew above. He tighten his grip on his sword before looking back at Exedra, the two remained quiet. Both not daring to make the first move as well as thinking of their next move. Exedra held his sword in front him as Legendaro Genji had it hanging from his side.

Exedra: Go!

Both rushed at each other with their swords, Exedra with his cursed blade and Legendaro Genji with his sword enchanted by the power of Legendaro himself. Their blades met causing a massive shock wave sending all the regular humans flying as well as most of the titan shifters. Legendaro Genji slammed his sword repeatedly against Exedra's who blocked all of the attacks, the kaiju went for a shot on the legs only for Exedra to jumped above him. Legendaro Genji looked up towards him swiftly blocking the attack with Exedra jumping away only for the kaiju to come back for the attack. Both clashed causing another shock wave, both trying to push the other's blade back. Exedra and Legendaro Genji struggled to overpower the other though as time went on the golden kaiju began to slowly push his sword down. Exedra growled before Cassandra rose behind him and stabbed her hook into his head. The kaiju roared only to receive a sword to the leg, Exedra began to push it further into Legendaro Genji's thigh before eventually being stabbed by his tail blade in the leg as well then electrocuted by the golden kaiju. Exedra fell back only to be grabbed by the neck and slammed against the ground, Daniela and Bela quickly joined to help their master turning into their frenzy forms. They swung their hooks towards him only for two portals to open as their hooks stabbed into their bodies. Both screeched in pain before being quickly slapped away by the golden kaiju. Emi and Diedre flew in with their armored suits as Emi struck against his armor with her wrist blade doing no damage. She quickly dodged a tail slam with Diedre slamming her mace against his head only for it to break and have no real effect against him. Legendaro Genji quickly grabbed her leg and slammed Diedre against Emi sending them crashing against a rock. Angela roared charging at him punching him straight in the face only to break her hand making her to scream in pain. Legendaro Genji grabbed her by the face and began to slam Angela on the ground repeatedly. Bela and Daniela came back in their frenzy states both attacking his sides causing him to lose balance for a moment. Bela tried stabbing her hook into his armor only for it to bounce off, she flew back while Daniela was grabbed by the face and took two repulsor blasts to the face causing her to scream in pain before being thrown to the side. Bela growled flying back in only to be crushed by Legendaro Genji's tail against a rock. Levi and Mikasa flew in with their O.D.M Gear and blades both striking his neck at the same time only for their blades to break on contact. Legendaro Genji swung his sword towards the two barely missing Mikasa but leaving a cut on Levi's face.

Levi: What the hell is his armor made out of!?

Mikasa: Obviously something stronger than any metal we've seen

Hange: Let's see how he handles our upgraded thunder spears!

Armin, Sasha, Connie, Jean, and Hanji flew high above Legendaro Genji and fired their spears, as they got closer they split into fours with 20 explosives hitting him. The landed on their feet seeing the smoke clear with no signs of damage. The kaiju pointed his finger towards Ethan confusing him before his finger exploded with a massive energy blast. Alice and Exedra unleashed their own powerful blast causing a massive beam clash. Legendaro Genji slowly overpowered their blast more it exploded with more power exploding in Alice and Exedra's faces sending the two flying. Alice crashed into the mansion with Diana, Annie, and Jean running to her aid. Eren and Rogue roared in rage transforming as the titan formed a crystal hammer and slamming it on Legendaro Genji who simply blocked it with his sword. He jumped towards them and slashed the titan into multiple pieces before slicing Eren in half, his torso fell with his top still intact. Legendaro Genji pointed his palm towards Eren ready to obliterate him only for Ymir in titan form to slap him away sending him flying. Legendaro Genji crashed into a small pond, Ymir used full force in order to move him, her hand was completely destroyed.

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