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you finished loading your trunk and draco's trunk onto the train, he had asked you to do his while he took your cat to go find an empty compartment. you dusted off your hands and then wiped them on your jeans up until harry had approached you. it had been a week since the incident and you haven't spoken to him since for you spent all your free time moping in draco's bed. 

"the meeting after break," harry began. "i want you to be there." 

"and why should i be?" you questioned the boy as you climbed onto the train. 

"we are working on a special charm," he informed you. "a protection one." 

"what if i do go hmm? will you be snagging cho the whole time?" sure you were unsure about harry in the beginning of the relation but as time went on you began to like him, besides it was the concept of him cheating with cho that triggered your sorrow. 

"y/n," harry pleaded. 

"no promises," you spat. 

"potter," a voice behind you hissed. 

"malfoy," harry hissed back. you smirked at the potter boy and waved goodbye to him as you followed draco back to the compartment he picked out. you took a seat down right next to your cat who was already curled into a ball, sleeping the day away. 

"what did that git want?" draco questioned as he sat across from you. "trying to apologize? pathetic." 

"i'm going to miss you draky!" pansy whined as she entered the compartment. "two weeks is a really long time." 

"oh get over yourself," you replied to the girl as she took a seat next to draco. 

"how are you holding up?" josephine questioned as she also entered the compartment. 

"i'm more angry now than anything," you answered her. josephine nodded her ask she walked over to take a seat next to you. 

"did you hear bellatrix escaped from prison?" pansy threw in. you shot a look at draco with fearful eyes but he looked at you with a reassuring look. 

"when will you learn to keep your mouth shut parkinson?" draco snapped at the girl as he pushed her off of him. he got up and sat on the other side next to you. 

"she's at the manor isn't she?" you whispered to him. 

"she doesn't want to hurt you," draco assured you. "not anymore." 

"you should reassuring but i don't believe you," you whispered harshly. 

"she won't. i promise." 

(i know they escaped after christmas but just go it with)

"draky," pansy whined once more. 

"f*ck this," draco muttered under his breath. he stood up and walked over to pansy, placing his hand on her leg to provide comfort. "we're done." 

"what?" the girl cried out. "but draky our parents! and i love you!"

"i'm not capable of love," draco told the girl. "not with you."

"its because of her!" pansy yelled as she pointed to you. she pulled out her wand and attempted to cast a harmful charm but it deflected off of you and onto the window. 

"don't touch her," draco growled at the girl. 

"i hope cho kisses him too," pansy said as she stood up from her seat. 

"get the f*ck out," josephine chimed in. pansy let out a sorrowful cry before taking off out of the compartment. 

"and i thought umbridge was pyscho," you mumbled to yourself. 

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