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(a/n: this chapter is gonna have a lot of time jumps sorry not sorry)

"he's gonna have buckbeak put down," you told cedric. "the audacity that git has!" it was the next day after your fight with malfoy and you had just finished filling cedric in on what happened.

"i told you, the boy doesn't have a heart," cedric grumbled. "hogsmeade is this weekend why don't you and i go on a date?" your heart skipped a beat as you nodded your head yes.

"i would love that," you said with a smile on your face. "you have to come to my game though! it's just a scrimmage against slytherin but you have to come! it's after classes today."

"okay i'll go," cedric replied. you pulled him into a hug and kissed him on the cheek. "you better catch the snitch though and not malfoy. i'm not coming to see you lose." it didn't occur to you until just now that you would have to not only see malfoy but play against him. you sighed with sorrow in your lungs as you got up from the table.

"i have to go to divination," you muttered as you grabbed your books in a rush.

"did i do something wrong?" cedric exclaimed. you looked up at him and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek.

"of course not," you replied.


boggarts. a creature that takes form of what you fear the most. you had no idea what yours would be and you hoped that you wouldn't find out.

"now practice the charm with me," professor lupin declared. "riddikulus!"

"riddikulus!" the class shouted together.

"this class is ridiculous," draco muttered under his breath. you turned around and shot him a look with fury in your eyes.

"shut it malfoy," you hissed at him. "no body cares about you and your little boy problems so grow up!" you turned back around to put your focus back on professor lupin.

"now neville," lupin continued. "what frightens you the most?" you looked over at neville to see hat he was completely frozen. go on!"

"professor snape," nevilled muttered. you and the rest of the class couldn't help to snicker at neville.

"professor snape? hmm.. don't you live with your grandmother?" neville nodded his head yes. "now after you cast the charm, i want you to picture professor snape wearing your grandmother's clothes. got it?" neville slowly approached the wardrobe and waited for professor lupin to open the doors. professor lupin carefully let go of the latch and professor snape walked out with evil written all over his face. neville stood still for a moment, completely locked in fear, you wanted to go and help him but you knew he had to learn for himself.

"riddikulus!" neville casted. professor snape morphed into another professor snape but this time he was wearing a green dress, fox-fur scarf, and clutched onto a big red hand bag. the class roared with laughter, even draco couldn't help but to laugh.

"now everyone form a line!," profesor lupin ordered. parvati was first and behind her was, seamus, dean, ron, you and the rest of the class. parvati's was this old bandaged mummy that dissolved, seamus and dean went so quickly you barely noticed what their boggart was. and then there was ron. ron's was this huge, fuzzy, giant eyed spider. he slowly lifted his wand and casted the spell at the creature. the spider developed roller-skates and kept falling. it was now you turn.

you stepped up to the creature, not knowing what to expect. you watched as the spider in roller skates morph into two bodies. those bodies were people and those people were draco's father and yours.

"your father told me about you," lucuis began. "you cost him his heart! if you would've let your parents move earlier he would still be here!"

"you're so selfish!" your father snapped. "no wonder draco hates you!"

"you're a pathetic excuse for a girl!"

"you'll never be good enough for draco!"

"y/n-" you heard draco say. you looked over to see him walking to you but lupin quickly stooped him.

"she can't do it," lupin muttered. you wiped away the tears from your face and lifted your wand up.

"riddikulus!" you shouted. lucuis and your dad changed into clowns on tricycles, spinning around. you immediately jogged out of class and straight to the bathroom to cry. you glanced up in the mirror and watched as the tears fell down your face. "i'm sorry dad."

"you shouldn't be," said a voice. you whipped your head around to see draco standing in the doorway. "y/n i-"

"just leave me alone malfoy! i don't want to hear it!" you snapped at him. you pushed him out of the doorway and slammed the bathroom door shut.


you finished getting dressed for the quidditch scrimmage and placed your hair into a high pony tail and grabbed your broom. you walked out of the girl's locker room and onto the quidditch filed. you saw draco warming up with his team, he flashed you a smile but you turned your head over, acting as if you didn't see it. but you did and it gave you those silly butterflies.

"you're gonna do great," you looked up see cedric sitting in the stadium. he blew you a kiss across the stadium and you pretend that you caught it. you gripped your broom and kicked off the ground sending you in the air. slytherin started off with the quaffle while ravenclaw started with the blunger. you flew low to the ground in order to keep an eye out for the snitch.

"listen y/n," you glanced over to see it was draco talking to you. "forget what i said, it's not what i meant."

"say the words draco," you muttered.

"what words?"

"you know exactly what I mean malfoy," you replied. "own up to it."

"i'm sorry silvermans. i really am! you have to forgive me," draco whispered. "i miss my y/n."

"i miss you too draco i really-"

"the snitch!" cedric yelled. you flew up towards the slytherin's goal to see the snitch was fluttering around the third hoop. you smirked at draco and winked at him as you zoomed over. you grabbed ahold of the snitch and flew down to the ground. "that's my girl!" you hopped off your broom and ran into cedric's arms. he lifted you off the ground and you wrapped your legs around his waist.

"i get the feeling that you'll never need me again," draco muttered under his breath.

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