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a/n: im not dead lmaoo just really busy... also do i got any outer bank fans out here? also unedited and it's short because i'm suffering.

today was cedric's funeral at hogwarts and dumbledore had asked for you to give a speech at some point. still mourning, you spent your entire week in draco's bed without writing down a single thing to say meaning that the speech you were about to deliver is a pure last-minute speech.

you threw on a long sleeve, laced, black dress with black flats for shoes. you tied your hair up into a ponytail and used a black bow to keep it together. you advised strayed away from makeup but josephine thought just a little powder foundation wouldn't hurt.

"you look good y/n," josephine assured you as she finished off your makeup. "draco's waiting for you outside our common room." you nodded your head at her and walked out of the common room to find draco standing in the corridor. he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into a hug, wrapping his arms around your waist as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"i didn't get to say it back," you whispered to draco as you rested your head on his chest. draco lifted his arm's from your waist and placed them in your hair. "i'm such a horrible person."

"no you aren't love," draco replied. "you didn't know y/n." draco gently pushed you away from the hug and picked up your hand to hold. the two of you walked into the great hall with your hands linked together. draco let go of your hand and took a eat at the slytherin table as you walked up to the podium where dumbledore was awaiting for you.

"and to end the funeral," dumbledore began. "here's y/n with a few words." he nodded his head at you as he stepped down from the podium, letting you take over.

"hi," you began. "most of you either know me as draco's best friend or cedric's girlfriend but tonight i'm up here as cedric's girlfriend. cedric and i were together since my third year up until the triwizard tournament. we had a lot of ups and downs this year due to the tournament but at the end of the day i still loved him."

"what about cho?" you heard pansy yell from the audience.

"miss parkinson!" professor snape snapped at the girl.

"she was a blimey home wrecker," you gritted through your teeth as you pulled out your wand. "he wanted to enter in the tournament to impress you!" you pointed your wand at the innocent girl who was drowning in her tears.

"y/n," professor dumbledore interrupted as he began to walk back up to the podium. draco quickly got up and ran up to grab onto you as you fell onto the ground crying.

"i didn't say it back," you sobbed into his chest. "i don't want to hurt cho either."

"take her away," dumbledore instructed. draco nodded his head as he picked up bridal style and carried you out of the great hall, you still continued to sob.

"i didn't say it back," you sobbed once more. draco sat the two of you onto the ground to let cry in peace. "i didn't want to hurt cho either, i'm not a bad person."

"i know you aren't silvermans," draco whispered to you as he ran his fingers through your hair. "you wouldn't hurt any one."

"please just call me y/n right now," you grumbled as you wiped the tears off your cheeks. "i don't have any energy to banter with you."

"you're a good person y/n."

"what if i don't want to be anymore."


"there's so much pain draco i can't bare it," you whined. draco sat you up and looked into you eyes as he pulled a piece of hair behind your ear. he grabbed ahold of the back of your head and kissed your forehead.

"you wouldn't even know how to be bad," draco whispered to you as he wrapped his arms around your neck, causing your face to be back on his chest. "i love you dipshit."


"not like that. as friends."



"well i love you too ferret boy."

"what happened to the no banter?" draco teased as he moved his hands to your waist to tickle you.

"hey quit it!" you exclaimed.

"there's that smile," draco said as he took his hands off of you.

"blimey you're such an idiot malfoy."

"only for you ravenclaw."

"in you dreams," you said with a soft smile. you rubbed your eyes, drying them out from all the tears you've shed today. "let's get out of here."

"very funny silvermans," draco said.

"please draco. it's too sad in here."

"where do you want to go then?" you asked him as you got off from the ground.

"anywhere as along as i'm-"

"hey how are you holding up?" josephine interrupted. "the funeral just ended after cho made scene so everyone's definitely forgot about your moment."

"oh well thank you josie," you mumbled. "i'm actually go to my mom's with josie for the holiday."


"i'll see you next year ferret boy."

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