4~ poa

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You changed out of your quidditch robes and into a pair of skinny jeans, threw on your ravenclaw jumper, and slipped into a pair of shoes. You pulled my hair out of a ponytail and quickly brushed through the knots. You was supposed to meet Cedric five minutes ago to go to Hogsmeade but got held up by Davies. You grabbed my wand and slipped it into your boots and then quickly rushed out of the dorms and out of the common room.

"Slow down ravenclaw!" Draco shouted as you ran by him. "Don't make me chase after you!"

"You couldn't catch up to me even if you wanted!" You chanted back at him as you turned the corner. You started picking up pace as You got out of the castle.

"Hey Silvermans!" said the twins. You stopped myself to notice the twins placing around with a piece of a paper. "Diggory is waiting for you down the hill." You nodded your head to thank them and took off running once again. You passed the shrieking shack and found Cedric waiting at the bottom of the hill waiting for.

"There's my pretty seeker!" He said with a smile. He pulled you into his arms and wrapped his hands around your waist. "You did so good love!" You gleamed up at him with joy in your smiles and love in your eyes. you leaned upwards and kissed him on the lips. you felt him smile as the two of you kissed at the bottom of the hill. you pulled away from the long lasting kiss and took ahold of cedric's hand.

"Let's go to honey dukes," you began. "It's my favorite!" Cedric shot you a look with disgust written all over his face.

"That place is disgusting y/n," Cedric replied as he led you away from the shop. "I don't understand how you like it! Let's go to three broomsticks, I have friends waiting for us."

"I thought it was just going to be just you and me?" You questioned Cedric. He rolled his eyes as he leaned down to kiss you on the top of your forehead.

"Don't worry about it Silvermans," Cedric answered you as he squeezed your hand.

"Don't call me by that," You snapped at Cedric. You pulled your hand away from him but he quickly grabbed ahold of it again.

"Sorry love," Cedric muttered. "Let's just go have a good time, okay?" You nodded your head yes as you followed Cedric into three broomsticks. All of his friends were sitting at a table and calling for Cedric to join them but Cedric lead you to a table for two. "You think I'd do that to you?" He pulled your hand up to his mouth and kissed the back of your hand.

"I'm sorry I doubted you Cedric," You apologized to him. "I should've trusted you."

"You can always trust me," Cedric said. "I would never lie to you unlike Malfoy."

"Don't Cedric," You mumbled to him.

"Does he know your father was a muggle born?" Cedric questioned. "That your a half-blood?"

"Cedric stop please!" You begged him. "Don't talk about my dad or draco infront of me."

"Whatever," Cedric mumbled under his breath. You wanted to get up and leave Cedric at the table but you didn't want to embarrass him in front of his friends so you stayed. Cedric squeezed your hand but you were to angry to squeeze back so you pulled away.


You sighed with sadness in your lungs as you changed into royal blue flannel sweatpants and a black t-shirt for pajamas. You went to go jump into bed but Professor Flitwick stopped you.

"Miss Silvermans! Why aren't you in the great hall!?" He snapped at you. "We have a murderer in this castle!" Fear took over your lungs and anxiety in your veins.

"Go find draco," you whisper to your cat. you followed professor flitwick out of the ravenclaw and down to the great hall. it was covered in students laying on the floor, completely terrified. you glanced over to see draco was up against pansy, they were cuddling together. a sharp pain stung in your heart, it hurt you to see him all up against her.

"you got a problem ravenclaw?" draco snapped at you as you walked by. you were shock by this sudden outburst of aggression. "pansy needs me now mind your own business!"

"awww does parkinson need a protector?" you teased pansy. "is draco your superhero?"

"enough y/n," draco replied. "it's not funny leave her alone." your shoulders dropped from the sadness that weighed in on your shoulders. draco never stood up for pansy, he always stood up for you and you alone. you sighed with sorrow and continued walking over to the ravenclaw area. you laid your blanket and pillow down next to josephine who happened to be wide awake.

"Cedric and i got into a disagreement today," you told her as you got onto the ground. "and draco is standing up for pansy! out of all people!"

"y/n shut up people are sleeping," josephine muttered as she rolled onto her side. "you'll figure out your boy problems tomorrow."

"josie please i have no one else to talk to," you whispered to her as you pulled the blanket over your legs.

"draco is draco," josephine began. "he has these teenage boy mood swings that are unpredictable."

"and cedric?"

"you'll figure it out y/n. now please go to sleep or i'll call professor flitwick over." you rolled your eyes at josephine's lack of support. you turned over to lay down on your stomach and slowly closed your eyes.

you open your eyes to see draco standing over your body with your cat. for some odd reason, draco was the only male who your cat seemed to trust but you never thought too hard about it.

"you aren't a pretty sleeper," draco said. you rolled your eyes as you threw your pillow at his face. "first off, ow that hurt silvermans! second, it's saturday there's a quidditch a match to watch."

"shove off malfoy let me sleep," you grumbled as you pulled the blanket over your face

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"shove off malfoy let me sleep," you grumbled as you pulled the blanket over your face. draco took the same pillow you hit him with to hit you, he also pulled the blanket away from you.

"get up!"

"i'm up," you muttered as you got up from off the ground. you threw your hair up into a bun as you followed draco back to the ravenclaw room. "wait here while i change."

"thank goodness, you look like a mess," draco said. you slapped his arm right before walking into the ravenclaw common room.

"see?" you heard josie say. you glanced over to see josie had already beaten you to ravenclaw common room. "fixed."

"you weren't much help," you replied as you changed out of your pajamas. "pathetic excuse for a friend."

"mmm hmm," josephine grumbled. "whatever you say y/n."

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