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it's been two weeks since your incident with draco and the two of you haven't spoken since then. you've returned to hogwarts and managed to keep your recent tattoo a secret thanks to your long sleeved robes. 

you finished tying your hair up into a ponytail and then walked out of your room and then out of the ravenclaw common room. you had a dumbledore's army meeting you needed to attend but you've spent your whole train ride back up to the school dreading it. you couldn't manage to look harry or cho in the eyes after what they did to you. 

you walked up to the wall and waiting fro the room of requirement to appear to you, luckily it didn't take long. two doors appeared and opened up to you and then disappearing after you walked inside. 

"glad you could  finally join us y/n," harry greeted you as he pulled out his wand. "now i need everyone to think of a powerful memory, the happiest one you can remember." you glanced around the room to see everyone was already attempting the patronus charm which meant you were late to the meeting. 

"expecto patronum!" you casted out. nothing happened which didn't surprise you for you weren't even thinking of anything. you sighed with frustration and allowed your brain to think of your happiest memory. 

"There's my pretty seeker!" He said with a smile. He pulled you into his arms and wrapped his hands around your waist. "You did so good love!" You gleamed up at him with joy in your smiles and love in your eyes. you leaned upwards and kissed him on the lips. you felt him smile as the two of you kissed at the bottom of the hill. you pulled away from the long lasting kiss and took ahold of cedric's hand.

of course, a memory with cedric who was your first love. that should definitely do it. you pulled out your wand and attempted the charm again. still nothing. 

"think deep y/n," harry called out to you from across the room. 

"think deep y/n," you mocked him under your breath. you closed your eyes and started playing memories from your third and forth year in your head

"and the hogwarts champion is.." dumbledore continued.

"five galleons it's y/n's boyfriend," blaise whispered to draco.

"cedar diggory!"

you stood up and cheered for him as he walked over to join the other champions. sure you were still upset with him but you couldn't be more happy for your boy.

that was definitely one of your happiest memories, so you attempted the charm again and still couldn't achieve it. 

"you're a pretty good dancer y/n," draco whispered to you as he pinned you around once more. he place his hand on your back and dipped you which caused you to laugh with joy.

"you're not too bad yourself," you replied. "ferret boy!"

"i'm never gonna live that down to you am i?" draco questioned you. you shook your head no which caused him to laugh along with you.

a memory with draco? surely that wouldn't work but it was worth a try considered how bright your smile was in that moment. 

"expecto patronum," you casted out once more. a bright light came out of your wand and transformed into a silver ferret, like the one malfoy turned into last year. you quickly dismissed the charm and placed your wand into your pocket. 

"i saw it y/n," josephine whispered to you. "that kiss had to mean something to him too." 

"well it didn't josie," you muttered back to her. "we're just friends and that's all we'll ever be." 

"friends don't look at friends that way y/n."

"he doesn't feel the same way i feel about him. i know he doesn't."

"turn around y/n."

you turned around to see a big hole in the wall, you were so caught up in focusing on the charm you were reluctant to notice that professor flitwick, who was holding onto cho chang, professor umbridge, draco and his goons were standing on the other side of the hole. 


"dentition!" professor umbridge scowled. "all of you." you watched as the uptight woman walked away from the scene, leave you and the army with flitwick, malfoy and the goons. 

"how could you cho?" you heard ginny hissed. the group slowly collected their things and exited the room on their own terms. you however were frozen in the middle of the floor with josephine beside you. 

"well i'll let you two be," josephine stated. you looked around to see everyone had already left expect for you, malfoy, and the goons. 

"scram," draco ordered his crew. you watched as the boy climbed through the hole and over to you. "you have a powerful patronus." 

"really? that's all you have to say to me?" you questioned the boy with anger. you rolled your eyes at him and attempted to walk away but the boy grabbed onto your wrist and pulled you back. he grabbed ahold of your face with his hands and kissed you on your lips but you quickly pulled away and slapped him. 

"let's be more than friends," draco blurted out. he placed his hands on your face and held them there, "you gave your life to the dark lord for me and your patronus is a ferret. you're actually serious about me." 

"you're just now realizing that?" you snapped at him. "besides how should i know if you feel the same about me?" 

"because i've had feelings for you since dragon alley five years ago," draco informed you. you glanced into his eyes and could tell he was being sincere. "friends don't look at friends the way we look at each other." you smiled up at him and leaned up to kiss him on the lips, this time he kissed you back. 

"you and me huh?" you questioned him as you pulled away from him. 

"yeah," draco assured you. "i know what i want and it's you silvermans, god it's always been you." he leaned down to kiss you again. "i'm sorry it took so long for me to come to terms with it." 

"it's okay," you told him. "i have you now." he took his hands off your face and placed them onto your back, bringing you into a hug. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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