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you sat in the malfoy's guest bedroom shivering, despite it being 32 degrees celsius (90 Fahrenheit) outside. you only had on your personal jumper for you gave back cedric's and draco's back in march. you got off the bed and walked out of room and the coldness disappeared immediately.

"so it just my room that's an iceberg," you muttered to yourself. "just my luck." you wondered down the hallway and into the kitchen where you found draco's parents arguing in a low tone.

"we have to tell her! a girl should know about her father," you heard narcissa hissed.

"jonathan would've wanted it this way," lucius hissed back.

"why are we speaking about my father?" you questioned the couple as you opened the fridge to grab a green apple.

"we weren't," narcissa lied. "we were talking about pansy's father." you knew she was lying for pansy's dad was definitely not named Jonathan like yours.

"draco," his father called out. draco sat up from the couch and walked over to you. he took the apple out of your hand and started to eat it himself. "get ready you two, we leave for the game shortly."

"thank goodness," draco said as he took another bite of the apple. "one more minute with this one and i would've lost my mind!"

"you do realize we are going to a quidditch match together right?" you questioned draco as you grabbed another apple.

"i'll make sure everyone knows that we aren't going as a couple because that would be gross," draco stated as he tied his shoes. you felt a sharp ting in your heart but assumed it was just from the apple.

"almost as gross as your face," you spat back at the boy. he rolled his eyes at you and walked off to join his father outside. "strange little boy he is."

"yes but i only see him joyful like that when he's with you," narcissa muttered to you. "you bring out the joy in him." your cheeks got hot and turned a rosy pink along with the tip of your ears. the butterflies and fireworks were going crazy inside your stomach along with the knot inside your throat. "promise me you'll keep him safe."

"what? how i could keep him safe? excuse me for the disrespect but I'm not sure i understand what you mean?" you exclaimed.

"just protect his heart," narcissa whispered under her breath. your eyebrows came together in confusion and the color drained from your face along with the butterflies dying off. you had no idea what draco's mother was going on about but you didn't get a chance to question her.

"come on!" draco yelled in the front door way. "i'll leave without you ravenclaw!"

"oh but then you'll miss me too much," you told him as you walked out the door with him.

"please i'd miss pansy way more than i'll ever miss you," draco replied as the two of you walked to the portly. hearing pansy's name come out of draco's malfoy made you blood boil. you grabbed ahold of draco's wrist and dug your nails into his arm.

"never speak pugly again or i'll break you nose," you hissed into his ear. "and i'll make sure it can't be fixed." you let go of his wrist and crossed your arms against your chest.

"ooo i'm so scared," draco teased back. you rolled your eyes at him and walked closer to the portkey.


you, draco, and draco's father all arrived at the world cup where Ireland and Bulgaria were playing. you and draco began to ascend the stairs when you heard a familiar voice call out from above.

"y/n?" it was harry who had called out your name. you noticed that all the weasleys were there along with hermione and harry. your eyes travelled over to see your boyfriend who had cho chang clunged onto his arm.

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