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you glanced over at the slytherin table to see pansy throwing herself at mealy while his face displayed how completely uninterested he was.

"don't be such a whore pansy," you stated as you forced yourself in between them. "keep your hands to yourself.

"thank you," draco whispered for only you to hear.

"say's the one who had sex with adam," pansy joked. you turned around and looked at her dead in the eye, staring her down.

"what the f*ck," you exclaimed.

"pansy you can't say that shit," draco snapped. he pulled you aside which placed him between you and pansy. "adam sexually harassed y/n."

"if you say so," pansy giggled.

"if you ever say one more disrespectful thing about y/n i will end this relationship and your father's career," draco hissed at the girl. you reached out to calm him down for you could tell he was really worked up but he pushed you away. "f*ck off."

"fine then," you snarled. you got up from the table and walked back to join josephine, ron, hermione, and harry at the table.

"hello y/n," harry greeted you.

"hello harry," you replied. "what's that on you hand?" you glanced over to see there was scaring on harry's right hand, it almost had looked like words.

"it's none of your business," hermione answered for him. harry rolled his eyes and shook his head at hermione in disbelief.

"it's okay 'mione it's just y/n," harry said. he rolled up sleeve and revealed his hand to show the words that were written into his hand.

"i must not tell lies," you read out. "what's this about?"

"harry got dentition in umbrage's class," ron explained.

"umbrage did this to you?" you exclaimed. "wait till i tell-"

"no you aren't telling draco," hermione interrupted. "this is why i didn't want to tell her anything."

"no you can trust y/n," josephine chimed in.

"i was just going to tell my mom," you explained. you folded your arms across your chest and looked over at harry who nodded his head to reassure you. "but i won't mention anything."

"see," josephine sad. "she's a bitch but she can be trusted."

"josie what the f*ck?"

"it's true! you're always a bitch but your a good friend," josephine continued. you stood up from the table in disbelief of what you had just heard. you looked at the group and then glanced away to prevent them from seeing the tears in your eyes.

you started to scurry away with tears streaming down your face up until harry had caught up to you and stopped you.

"hey you okay?" he asked you, placing his hand on your shoulder. "josie and hermione can be pretty tough sometimes but they mean well."

"i'm use to it from josie but it just really set me off this time," you elaborated. "pansy's been telling people that i had sex with a drumstring boy but it isn't true."

"well if i hear that rumor i'll shut it down," harry said with a soft smile.

"thank you harry."

"of course y/n-"

"potter!" draco interrupted abruptly. "get your hands off her."


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