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Eccedentesiast (n.)
Someone who hides pain behind a smile.

River Autumn Rose

Gino comes at me with a force, he's angry. Pissed. He knows he can loose against me but refuses to accept it. I dodge his huge body coming at me, the movement hurts my side.

I hadn't noticed one of my ribs might be broken. I groan. Focus River. FOCUS! I have to stay on the fight. I can't feel any pain right now I need to win and I can't if I let myself feel.

I try to take his feet from under him but he quickly catches himself before landing on his ass. I take a few steps back knowing he'll want to retaliate.

Gino is a big guy but he's fast. I didn't expect him to be. Big mistake. Normally big guys are never fast but be won last year I should've known he was dammit! He moves his arm as if he's about to hit me so he distracts me.

I wait for him to hit so I can dodge but he never does. The second it took me to realize it cost me, he kicks my knee and my leg painfully gives up on my weight.

I land with a crunch, I don't even know what I broke. Probably a rib, I shouldn't be surprised he's the bone breaker, he's specialized in breaking people. I can't use my left hand and it is putting me in disadvantage.

Gino knows it too, he's good he knows I'm tired and hurt. I resort to doing what I do best. I analyze him. I read him so I know what he'll do next. I get up and I feel my knee wobble but I ignore it. I notice Gino's weight is mostly on his left side, I know this because of the way the muscles of his legs are tensing.

The right less than the other and his body is slightly, almost imperceptibly titled to the left. Good thing his bad side is in front of my good one, same for him but I am the one using it to my advantage.

I do a double kick, one on his right side and the other on the leg. He grunts when I hit the leg. That's what I wanted to know...if it was his knee bothering him or his side.

The knee it is. He recovers fast and hits my already sore cheek. The metallic taste of blood fills my mouth, he thinks it is gonna get me off balance but I rapidly get myself together and throw myself to the floor, kicking the back of his knee until he falls and getting on top of his back on the floor.

That's why I wanted to be on the floor already, to make sure I get in top of him before he even realizes he's on the floor. I'm mostly using my legs because I can't use my left hand and only using the right is tricky. Plus, I have more lower body strength than upper.

I dig my knee on his back and he grunts in pain, I just have to pin him here until the referee counts to ten.


Gino makes one last effort to throw me down but I take all the strength from who knows where and hit his side hard.

Time's up!

I won the first round. I get off Gino and look around, Valenciano is smiling...his smile is always sinister. Milos licks his lips and looks me up and down, Cam just rolls her eyes and continues eye-fucking every man in the room.

Then, the worst thing happens because of a careless mistake... milk starts coming out of my nipples. My eyes widen and I run to the lockers. I was in such a rush before that I forgot to put the pads on. Good thing it didn't happen during the fight.

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