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"H E' S G O T D E M O N S O F T H E
P A S T, S H E' S G O T S C A R S"

Torn apart
Cromulent (n)
Appearing legitimate but actually being spurious.


"Come on sweetheart, give this old man a taste of those beautiful breasts" the man whispers to the woman he's got cornered against the alley wall.

She whispers and pushes at his chest. I don't hesitate, I snap forward with knife in hand. I push him off of her and she falls to the floor crying.

I take all my anger from deep inside of me, I don't know where I get it from but I use all the strength in my body to pin him against the wall as I drive my knife in to his gut.

He grunts and falls to his knees, the woman let's out a small scream form behind me. The disgusting rat in front of me tries to identify my face but my coat's hat conceals my face, hiding me on its shadows.

It's the first time I've done this, the first time I'll put myself in danger in the hopes to help others. I've got skills, why not use them?

"Who are you?" The man whispers before falling face first into the pavement.

"Call me The Wolf"

I wake up a little startled by the memory, stars dancing behind my eyelids. I take a few breaths and force the memories from my time back on the streets aside.

I may have saved lots of girls and even some boys, but it's not a time I want to remember right now.

"You okay sweetie?" Dad says from beside me, he's holding my hand with worried eyes. I nod and look around, I spot my brothers outside talking and Noah must still be in the shower.

"You sure? you slept too little, you must be exhausted" he says checking me for a fever. I just shake my head, I don't really feel like talking much yet.

I miss my son and until I see him I'll feel like a part of me has been ripped out of my body.

"Rosey" dad calls to me as I sit up. I look at him knowing he wants to talk to me. I bite my lip and wait for it to come...to hear and see how disappointed he is in me.

He saw the tapes, I know he's wishing I wasn't his daughter. Who would want me after seeing what I've done? even if it was for Oakley. A tear falls down my cheek, the dam has broken there's not sealing it back now.

"Oh, oh Rosey it's not something bad. Why are you crying?" Dad gently says as he grabs my hands as he sits in front of me.

"You're not...mad at me?" I whisper as my lower lip wobbles and my dad's eyes water. He frowns and shakes his head

"Of course not, little one. If anything I'm angry at the world and everyone who's hurt you but mostly at myself for not being able to protect you. For not being there to shield you from well...everything" he says

"I thought that maybe...maybe after..." I try to say but I get choked up on a sob

"You thought that I'd be what Rosey? Disappointed in you?" He asks furrowing his brows and I can tell he's scared I actually think that

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