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"H E  W I L L  N E V E R  F A I L  H E R
A G A I N"

The Panther
Dern (adj.) secret, hidden, dark. It can also refer to hidden feelings — i.e. gloomy, sorrowful, etc.

During the third task

"Goddammit!" I groan trying and failing to contain my anger as I replay the heart wrenching image of my daughter taking a knife out of her calf in my mind.

She looked up at me. She was in pain and her first instinct was to search for me...for her father.

Valenciano left a few seconds ago and I can't shake off the feeling he's planning something. "She'll be okay, she has to be" Malik whispers

"She's strong. She'll get out of this unscathed" Maverick murmurs even though she's already hurt, she's fighting with Milos. Francis is already dead on the floor

"We failed her" I say squeezing my eyes shot as that bastard throws my baby into the water like a rag doll

"What do you mean?" Noah asks

"I lost her in that fire, we didn't find her in time to get her out of Xander's clutches, we failed to notice all the injuries she came with from his punishments and now...I've let Valenciano drag her into this. I failed her"

I'm met with silence, they don't say anything because they know it's true. We've let that bastard run us over time and time again.

And for what? To maintain the peace between the Cimmerian members? An association run by criminals and based on murder, trafficking and drugs?

"I'm fucking done with this" I snap. I won't let him hurt my family anymore

"Holy shit" Mal whispers as we watch my daughter beat Milos, impaling the knife into his throat without a second thought

Pride feels my chest but it dissipates in a second as we realize what will go down. Valenciano is running towards Milos.

We don't waste a second and sprint out of the room, down the steps and into the room adjacent to the arena. Rosey spots us just as we arrive

I push the doors open right when Valenciano pulls out a gun and points it at my daughter, his face is red and wet with the remnants of his tears

This will not happen, not to her.

My whole world crumbles as he places his finger on the trigger. River's face shows nothing but devastation as she meets Valenciano's stare dead in the eye

A second later he pulls the trigger, but I'm faster.

He was too busy trying to kill my world to notice my gun ready. I shoot mere seconds before he does.

I'm pleased when the bullet hits the target into Valenciano's hand and through it.

He still shot the gun but his bullet hit the floor, millimeters away from River's foot.

"Conrad!" I yell at the man behind Rosey, the one I payed to help her. He killed Mark before he could reach her

He snaps into action and pulls Rivs behind him but not before handing her a bulletproof vest

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