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"Her fire builds like a flame over gasoline"

She's back

Verendus (adj.) to be feared, worthy of reverence, giving an impression of aged goodness and benevolence


You know how people say that family is forever? Well that's bullshit because right about now I want to fucking murder mine

"I said I'm sorry!" Malik screams trying to pick up the remaining pieces

"Sorry doesn't fix my vase motherfucker!" Nonna screams

Oh so she gets to cuss and we don't? Bullshit

"Nonna it was an accident!" Malik screams for like the thousandth time this evening

"Why did you have to be so fucking careless?" Mav snaps at Malik as he too has to pick up the tiny glass pieces

"It's just a fucking vase, get over it so we can go sleep" I mutter but they don't hear me from where I sit on the couch

"Malik hurry the hell up and apologize" dad says sighing as he rubs his forehead, keeping a healthy distance between him and Nonna — she's holding a goddamn wooden spoon

She's threatened to spoon Malik plenty of times but Noah is preventing her from it

"I already apologized dad! What do you want me to do kiss her feet?"



Dad and Nonna glare at each other and I groan.

These are all full grown adults fighting over a broken vase and I'm too tired to intervene. Noah, however, is currently sweet talking Nonna into going to sleep

"You know that frowning causes wrinkles Nonna? We don't want that do we?" He says and she laughs

"Son look at me, I'm as wrinkly as an old raisin. I don't care if frowning makes me look like a crumpled paper or a plum or whatever the hell I might look like" she says

"Maybe it will improve your shitty mood" Malik mumbles and I groan once again

"My shitty mood?"

"Shut the fuck up"

"You are making it worse idiot"

"Goddammit Malik"

The room erupts in loud voices and arguments and I put a pillow over my head to muffle the sound but it doesn't fucking work

Why can't I have like a button to shut their mouths?

Maybe I could trick them into going out of the house and locking them all out for the night

Or slap some sense into them

I'm so tired and in pain dammit. It goes on for what may be 15 minutes or three hours I'm not sure but it makes me freaking snap

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