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"T H E Y   B R O K E   M Y   W I N G S   A N D
F O R G O T   I   H A D   C L A W S"

Aspectabund (adj.)
Letting or being able to let expressive emotions show easily through one's face and eyes.

River A. Rose

I hear a grunt and panic. Did he shoot dad? Is dad dead? I realize the grunt is coming from the man underneath me as I'm leaning all my weight on my elbow in his throat.

I scramble to my knees and look towards my left, dad is okay. I sigh in relief but it's short lived when I see their panicked eyes trying to tell me something.

In all the commotion I forgot there are three more men in the room. I roll onto my back and veer left a second too late, the syringe already pinched my neck. It takes seconds for the drug to invade my veins. I whimper softly as memories from the times Xander used it on me resurface.

I turn my head to see my family being injected with the same stuff. What will he do with us? I think as the drowsy effects of the drug make it very hard to keep my eyes open...


I wake up gasping for air, pain all over my limbs from the lack of movement for so long. I look at my surroundings, I'm in a...bus? One of those like the ones in movies to take prisoners to jail or juvie.

Dad is sitting in front of me, passed out against the window. My brothers are on the seats to my left one on top of the other snoring. Noah is behind me, he'll wake up with a terrible neck pain in that position.

"Good, you are awake!" Xander says from the shotgun seat, there's a bulletproof window separating us. I just glare at him and even that hurts my brains. Fucking headaches.

"Where are you taking us?" I say

"Oh we're in Mexico now" what the fuck? I look outside and all I see is pure desert, the sun is blinding and I realize my arm facing the window is a little sunburnt already.

My hands are cuffed as well as my ankles, I try to move dad away from the window so he doesn't sunburn his face. He lands on the floor on his back and I barely catch his head with my foot before it hits the floor.

Well at least he's away from the windows now. I sigh and slump on my seat fighting the urge to scream and rip Xander's head off. I'm so frustrated dammit! My breasts are sore and swollen with milk, how long has it been? At least a couple of days to have reached Mexico by car. If Xander's telling the truth.

Why haven't the others woken up? I start scratching my wrists in anxiety and nibbling on my lip. My skin red already from all the scratching.

A large estate comes into view, a few trees surrounding it. I close my eyes and pray whatever it is in store for us we can survive, together. I feel guilt clawing at me and threatening to choke me, if I had stayed away from them they'd be safe at home.

A few minutes later I'm being dragged out of the bus as more men come in to carry my family into the red bricked property, how can one building look fancy yet haunted?

I wince when the guys carrying Malik bump his head on the wall, he doesn't even stir. What the hell did they give them? I shrug off the lady's touch as she tries to escort me who knows where.

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