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We made it home

Ataraxia (n.) a state of freedom from emotional disturbance & anxiety; tranquility.

Five years later

I sit quietly looking over the mountain, wondering if there's anything more wonderful than the sky blending with beautiful colors, a mixture of warmth and peace

My hands support my weight as I lean back on the grass, watching the ethereal beauty of the place we call home

The sunset illuminates the valley, the fully bloomed lilies and roses cover every inch of the field in front of the cabin. Our cabin

"Oakley come on! If you don't come in with me you can't be my brother anymore" Lily tells her brother from where they play a few feet away near the creek that leads to the pond

The waters are so calm and transparent we don't have to worry about the currents, the kids are more than familiar with swimming in it from spending most afternoons there with their dad

"Lily, there's no un-brother-ing me we're blood!" Oakley protests like Noah explained to him that Aelia can't possibly sever their bond

"Yes there is! Watch me" she says I'm that sassy tone of hers. She's trying to convince him to get into their tree house but Oak won't go in there since he found a spider inside last week

It's crazy to see how fast time passed. Oakley grew up to be a tiny genius, he acts according to reason and well thought out plans despite being so little

He walks around wearing ironed button up shirts, his hair perfectly in place and his glasses spotless. He's like a tiny little businessman, we have a blast watching him

Dad reopened his clinic and Oakley follows him around at least a couple of days a week, claiming he'll be just like him when he's older

My dad keeps him out of the ugly of it but Oak enjoys every single moment of 'working' with his grandad

It's the funniest thing to watch him play fight with my brothers when they say something stupid like 'oh oranges are clearly purple' and then O will give them a full explanation that oranges are orange like if he were explaining a heart disease

He's a momma's boy through and through, being my little helper whenever we bake or cook and never leaves my side when I'm around if he can help it

On the other hand, Aelia is a wild little hurricane. Impulsive, tough and energetic to no end. My dad says watching her is like watching me at that age

It's impossible to get her to sit still, brush her wild hair or convince her of playing the game of silence so mom can have a minute of peace to think

But she's also the sweetest girl you'll ever meet, crazy about nature and wild things like her. She's the kind to walk up to her grandad, sit on his lap and fall asleep after showering him with kisses

She runs to Noah and tells him at least five 'I love you and I missed you daddy' when he gets back from being at work a few hours

Don't even get me started on her uncles, there isn't a day that goes by without her seeing them because she'll throw a tantrum if she doesn't

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