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"She's their little flame lighting up the darkness...spreading like wildfire"

Little Sun

Aelia (Eye-lee-ah) Ancient Roman name that means sun

*Shoutouts for the name in the A/N at the end ;) *

Oh hell no. Hell fucking no this is not happening.

"Listen, Nonna...I don't care who the fuck you think you are but you better distract your son so we can get out of here with my baby" Noah snaps

His charming self nowhere to be seen. Nonna just trembles and purses her lips. She looks nervously towards the windows, the cars getting closer by the second.

"Nonna please, from mother to mother just let me take my baby before he gets his hands on her again. Please" I beg

"You don't understand, I can't let you take her. He's too powerful, he will find you and punish my little sun for my actions" she says

"He might be powerful but I can assure he will not mess with my family as long as I breathe in this earth" Dad whispers to her

Some sort of look passes between them, an understanding not even I can fully comprehend.

She must see the fierce determination in my father's eyes for she squares her shoulders and takes a deep breath.

"I will do what I can to slow him down, I pressed the emergency alarm but he doesn't know it's because of you" Nonna says

"Aren't there any cameras?" Malik asks picking up the tea cups. Nonna shakes her head and explains where the baby's room is.

Mal quickly throws the cups out the window, Noah puts away the baby chair, dad takes Oakley and I put the chairs back into place

Everything since Val arrived has occurred in a span of a minute and I'm impressed by our quick work

"Thank you" I whisper to Nonna as the first car door slams shut. I don't like the look in her eyes, she looks mournfully up the stairs where my daughter is

But my heart breaks even harder at the defeat in her eyes, not upon handing my baby back to us...but for the knowledge that Valenciano will most likely punish her. Maybe even kill her if—when he finds out

And he will find out.

"Her name is Aelia — Lilly — Rae, please take care of my little sunshine" she whispers before pushing me towards the stairs

We all quickly but silently sprint up the stairs towards the room at the end of the hall where my daughter — Aelia— is sleeping.

"Goddammit" Maverick mutters as we hear the front door slam open, right at the same time as I push open the one in front of us

We are met by a spacious room, it must be the master bedroom and my heart warms at the thought of Nonna letting my baby have it instead of taking the big room for herself

The wooden walls are decorated with lots of pictures, all of Aelia...starting from the day she was born.

A white crib lays in the center of the room. The window curtains are closed, letting the soft glow of a sun shaped lamp illuminate the space

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