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"Try to be a rainbow in someone else's cloud"
- Maya Angelou

Aeipathy (n.) an enduring and consuming passion


I've tried to forget that night because of the guilt that comes with it, I saw the bruises in that girls body and thought she might be abused at home but I was a coward and didn't do anything about it and it haunted me through many sleepless nights

That same night I found Oakley crying on the floor with a bleeding gash on the back of his head, having fallen from the bed despite all the pillows I had cocooned him around.

I was reckless and stupid. I should've left him on his crib but he refused to sleep anywhere but in my bed that whole month

I'd never forgive myself and Jack just brought back all the memories I wanted to forget...

That night...

The chilly night air bites into my skin through the thin sweater I'm wearing. I left Oak back at the house, Summer is with him.

I told her I was meeting a friend and she didn't question why this late. It's around 11pm

The others went on some business trip they wouldn't talk to me about, I know I shouldn't leave my baby with her but I'll only be out for a couple of hours

I've walked through a few streets and found nothing, no evil to erase. I spot a 24hour dinner and decide to go in for a hot cup of something to warm up

The bell on top of the door chimes as I walk in, the warmth of the place is more than welcome as I walk towards a table beside the window

The place isn't packed but definitely busy, the waitress smiles at me from the table she's cleaning. I have no energy in me to smile back, it's been a rough couple weeks at home

Her smile falls slightly as she notices me staring — at the bruise on her cheek. It's noticeable enough through the load of make up she used to try and cover it

She uses her long her to slightly cover and I feel slightly bad for making her uncomfortable, she walks ti my table and places a menu in front of me

"Hey, call me Cee. I'll be back in a few minutes to take your order" she says smiling again

I don't know what draws my attention so much towards her but I keep watching her. Her wrists are bruised too, they're visible when she moves her arms and the sweater raises up her forearm slightly

Cee smiles at every customer that comes in and opens the door to the ones going out, her kindness and easygoing personality do nothing to hide the pain I see behind her eyes

I wonder why she's the only one working tonight, running between tables. The mediocre girl chewing gum behind the cashier doing nothing to help her

She comes back and our hands accidentally touch when she grabs the menu back ad she gasps

"Geez you are so cold! Let me bring you a cup of hot chocolate so you can warm up" she says without hesitation

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