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"H E' S F A L L I N G A P A R T O N
T H E I N S I D E"

The Wolf is back
Sonder (v.)
The realization that everyone is living their own vivid life


Noah's hands shake as he opens the door for us to go into the facility. His voice quivers as he says hi to the woman behind the counter.

I can't bear to see him so nervous, so shaken up. He's always composed and at ease, his eyes are red and I think the last few days are weighing on him.

I know he'll never stop blaming himself for what happened, I wouldn't either but he was young and careless. It could've happened to anyone.

"He asked for you today Noah, I'm glad you came" the woman says and leads us inside. This place gives me bad vibes...it's lonely and depressing.

We enter a big common room with tables and couches everywhere, every patient is dressed in a hospital gown and some have a robe on top.

It makes me feel like we're in a mental hospital, is that how they're called? I don't know but I would've want to live here...ever.

I want to leave as soon as possible, I swear I am being watched. My spine tingles with awareness as several people in staff look at us up and down as if we're their sworn enemy.

Some patients are talking with visitors, I'm guessing their families. Others are watching TV, playing board games, painting or staring into nothing.

But they all have a drowsy look...as if they've been drugged to stay calm. Too calm.

Noah said most patients here are like Zion —amnesiacs, have Alzheimer's or dementia. It breaks my heart when I see a kid, no older than 12 or 13 sitting alone in a chair playing with a dice.

I grab Noah's hand and he squeezes mine tightly. I wish I could take all his pain away and wash off his guilt.

"It's gonna be okay" I whisper to him as we walk towards a table where a young man, Zion, sits on his wheelchair. He's viciously drawing on a piece of paper.

"I didn't want you to know what I did because I'm ashamed of it but now...I'm so glad you are here. I don't think I can do this anymore Rosey, I don't know if I can keep coming. It's torture" he says in a shaky voice

"Whatever you decide I'll be by your side" I say and peck his cheek

"The fuck Noah? You got a girlfriend now! Since when dude? I was with you just yesterday and you were fucking with Johanna!" Zion almost yells as he spots us

Noah winces and sends me an apologetic look when he mentions Johanna. I shrug it off and try to suppress my desire to drown the bitch.

We sit down in front of him and I don't let go of Noah's  hand. I watch his throat bob up and down as he swallows and try to gather his bearings to be able to talk.

He clears his throat and says "Uh yeah umm...this is River, I met her a few months ago. She's my girlfriend now" he says and Zion stares at him for what feels like forever before he bursts out laughing

"Two women? Damn kid I didn't know you had it in you!" Zion says in between laughs and Noah and I nervously fake laugh.

"Yeah uh..yeah" Noah says and I grimace

"Damn. So how is it gonna work now that Johanna is pregnant and all that?" Zion asks chewing on his pencil.

I freeze and I'm worried Noah will pass out if he doesn't start breathing. I swear he's so still not even a bomb could shake him.

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