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"To live...not survive"

Free pass to hell
Verendus (adj.) to be feared, worthy of reverence. Giving an impression of aged goodness and benevolence


"Hey I was looking for you!" Malik says as he catches up to Noah and me right as we come out of the room

I can't help it, I blush

"So what were you two doing? I got bored as hell and tried to talk dad into letting us leave but he was too immersed in his conversation with that woman" he keeps talking

Noah and I look at each other containing our laughs as my brother walks ahead of us with no clue that his best friend just fucked his little sister on that room

Sort of funny if you as me

"Oh and Maverick wants to go too, apparently his hated kiss with Nolan turned into an argument. No surprise there" he keeps going

"Anyways I was think—wait a damn minute" he turns around and looks at both of us from head to toe

I bite my lips and try to hide my amusement as he slowly realizes he interrupted our not so subtle walk of shame

Malik's eyes widen and he gapes but then shakes his head and keeps walking "You know what? I don't even wanna know. Better pray that Nonna doesn't realize you're having sex young lady" he says laughing

"I think that's kinda obvious dude, you know having two kids and a boyfriend and all that" I say and Malik shivers

"I better imagine I found you I don't know saying jokes out of boredom or something"

"Oh yeah actually I was telling Rosie a joke about something that's hard and long and full of seamen—" Noah starts and I elbow him with a chuckle

Mal stops and turns around with narrowed eyes

"Hell naw I want to hit you now! I don't want to talk about your penis or were it was minutes ago!" Malik almost yells and Noah laughs

"You dirty minded asshole I was talking about a submarine" Noah says with an innocent smile and Malik just stands there blinking before he exploding into a laugh

"Bastard" he mutters

I just shake my head, seriously no one can tell worse jokes than my boyfriend. Well I can but we're not talking about that

Yesterday we decided to meet Jake and Cee today's evening so we could stay around to finish the job Frederick asked for dad to do

We've been postponing it long enough now

Which is why I'm currently kneeling inside a vent in the ceiling of a ducking restaurant. The meeting went quite well and it was pretty emotional at first

"Nice to see you again River" Jake says as he takes a seat on the table. We chose a Chinese restaurant for dinner

I think I answer Jake but my gaze is too focused on the two beauties beside him. Oceana and Ashley

River Rose |  ✓Where stories live. Discover now