[IVAN] Yogurt

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(A/N: Ivan's real name is Park Yoosung.)


You walk over to your only remaining friend, pouting since you don't want to go to the new yogurt shop nearby alone and all your other friends had rejected coming with you, even after you had said it'll be your treat.

"Yoosung-ah, come with me to the new yogurt shop around the corner, will you? Yejin and Hana already decided to abandon me so you're my only hope remaining. Please, please, please, just come with me?" you ask the boy, clasping your hands together as you look at him, trying to make puppy eyes.

Yoosung looks at you with a disgusted look on his face, and you just pout at him when he does that as you stop trying to convince him while doing aegyo. "Why? Can't you just go on your own?" he asks you and you whine as you grab onto the sleeve of his uniform.

"Of course, I can't! I'll look like a loner if I go by myself," you whine at him and the boy looks at you for a second before suddenly turning away as he tries to stifle his laughter. You look at him with your brows furrowed. "Yah! Why are you laughing? Do you seriously find it funny that I'd actually look like a loner?"

Finally, the boy turns to you as he places his hand on your head and ruffles your hair. "No. I just find it funny that you're cuter when you're just being yourself rather than when you try to do aegyo."

You look at him, slightly annoyed. But then again, he did compliment you so your expression softens as you just look at him with your cheeks puffed up. The next second, you find yourself shouting when Yoosung suddenly pulls your cheek and pulls on it.

"Look at you, you're so cute when you do that!" he tells you as he pulls on your cheeks while you continue shouting.

"Ah! Yah! Stop that, it hurts!"

"Alright, alright," Yoosung says as he finally lets go and you rub your cheek as you look at him with an annoyed look. "So? Are you going with me to the yogurt shop or what?" you ask him, bringing back the original topic you had approached him for.

Yoosung looks at you, then a smile appears on his face before he responds. "Why not?"


You squeal in excitement as you basically drag Yoosung behind you while you run towards the new yogurt shop just around the corner from your school's gate.

"Yah! Wait up! You're running too fast!" he shouts towards you as he tries to keep up. It's funny, though. Usually, he'd be the faster runner since he has longer legs and he's more used to physical activities, but it seems your body was really taken over by adrenaline from your over-excitement to check out the shop.

Finally, you arrive at the place, and as you stop running, Yoosung bends down beside you to catch his breath, thankful that you had finally stopped running.

You turn to him and you raise your brows at him as you look at him catching his breath. "Really? Oh, come on, Yoosung! I thought you were a much faster runner than me!"

The boy takes one last breath before finally standing up and looking at you with his brows furrowed. "I guess now I know why neither of the girls decided to accompany you," he tells you with his eyes narrowed at you and you laugh nervously.

"Sorry, I got too excited."

Yoosung then looks towards the shop, and a smile forms on his face as he turns to you and lightly hits the back of your shoulder, making you turn to him. He gestures to the store. "Let's go in?"

Your face instantly brightens and you nod at him before taking his hand once again and pulling him inside, this time, a bit slower than when you came to the shop.

KINGDOM Oneshots (KINGDOM X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now