[OT7💖] When It's Cold

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Just gonna start it off like this since I still don't know Hwon's personality... Anyways!

Scenario: Winter time! And you're out in the cold with your boyfriend which is the Kingdom members.


Dann/ Jung Seungbo

- Almost immediately notices it when you start to feel cold.

- It had been the middle of winter, and the both of you were out on a stroll date.

- And unfortunately, the clothes you had on weren't enough to keep you warm.

- Meanwhile, Seungbo was already taking off his scarf the moment he saw you rubbing your palms together.

- And by the time you even noticed his actions, he was already wrapping his scarf around the lower part of your face.

- You're surprisee nonetheless, then you end up becoming shy as you avoid his gaze.

- "You know, you didn't really have to..."

- "Hey. If my girlfriend ever felt cold, why wouldn't I make her feel warm? It's completely fine."

- Then proceeds to pat your head before taking your hand in his.


Arthur/ Jang Yunho

- Warms you with physical contact (aka le hug).

- Backhugs, specifically.

- Was wearing an oversized jacket and decided to share its warmth with you.

- Arms around your shoulders and head on top of yours, it didn't take long for him to make himself comfortable with your presence...

- And your lack of warmth, too, that is.

- Proceeds to act all cute about it.

- "Oh, is my girlfriend feeling cold? Don't worry, Y/N-ie~ I'll warm you up~"

- "Yunho? Stop."


Mujin/ Go Sungho

- Covers you up in blankets, plushies, etc. Basically anything that can make you feel warm and sheltered.

- You were just chilling at home with him.

- But then the window was just left open for a sec and you were already shivering and feeling cold.

- Oh, he also made sure to make you some hot choco to make you more warm.

- Basically showered you with love.

- "Are you feeling better now? You don't feel cold anymore?"

- "Yeah, I'm fine... But in all seriousness, you really didn't have to treat me like I had hypothermia or something."

- Doesn't listen to you, and so, instead, does it again eventually some time into the colder future.


Louis/ Yang Dongsik

- Takes off his entire COAT to make sure you're warm.

- Though, he probably just did that for show.

- As you predicted, seeing him shivering now.

- "Idiot. Why'd you even give me your jacket when you have nothing else to keep you warm?"

- "I-I'm f-f-fine... Y-you can h-h-have it..."

- Remains stubborn, but gives in when you decide to share his jacket because it turned out to be a really HUGE jacket.


Ivan/ Park Yoosung

- Runs off to buy you pocket-warmers. Takes about a minute to come back.

- Yes, it was quick.

- And he was already almost out of breath when he returned.

- Still, he didn't waste a second to take your hand and place two pocket-warmers on your palm.

- "One for each hand. To keep you warm."

- Then takes your hands and makes you insert the warmers into your pockets already.

- Then proceeds to engulf you in a hug.

- "... Are you feeling better now?"

- Dedinitely took you a bit to process what just happened, but eventually, you replied. Well, sorta.

- "... Mhm."


Jahan/ Lim Jihun

- Rests your head on his shoulder while he puts his jacket over your shoulders and wraps an arm around you.

- You were both in a library.

- And mostly, it was just Jihun who came here to study.

- And you were only here because you had nothing to do.

- You had fallen asleep already, actually, when Jihun noticed you shivering in the cold.

- Closes the book he was reading, then proceeds to bring them back to their original places.

- Then comes back before wrapping you up in his jacket and scarf before carrying you on his back.

- "Looks like it's time to go home now."


Chiwoo/ Guk Seungjun

- Doesn't know what to do when he sees you shivering.

- Would give you his jacket, but then he'd be cold.

- Would give you his scarf, but he thinks it wouldn't be enough.

- Would hold your hand/embrace you, but is too shy to do it...

- Until he sees a really warm-looking café up ahead.

- Proceeds to pick you up piggyback style, causing you to yelp at his sudden actions.

- "Seungjun, what are you doing?!"

- "Uh... bringing you to a warm place? What, was I supposed to let you freeze to death?"

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