[IVAN] Too Much Kindness

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"Hey! Y/N, wait up!"

You immediately turn to the source of the voice the moment you hear your name being called, and your face lights up when you see your seatmate, Yoosung, running up to you. You then slow down, and soon enough he catches up with you and slows down to keep up with your pace. As soon as he had done that, you turn back to the direction you were going in, and continue walking in the pace you were walking in a while ago, the tall stack of books still in your arms.

"Oh, please don't tell me this is another one of Jia's 'favors'?" Yoosung asks you with air quotes before looking at you with furrowed brows.

You just turn to him with a smile without responding for a while before you look ahead again. "She said she was too busy, and I had nothing to do, anyway, so..."

Suddenly, Yoosung grabs all the books you're carrying, and your eyes widen as you turn to him.


"Don't interrupt. It'll be your fault if all these books fall," Yoosung immediately tells you and you stop from trying to take the books from his grip. So, instead, you just look at him with a slight pout and furrowed brows. "And besides," he continues as a playful smile forms on his face while he turns his gaze to you, "I had nothing to do, anyway."

Your eyes widen, then you hit Yoosung's arm while he laughs. "Yah! Are you mocking me?"

"What? It's true, though. I really have nothing to do," he says and you just look at him with a pout.

Eventually, the both of you reach the teachers' office and Yoosung walks in to drop off the books while you wait outside.

Park Yoosung is your seatmate, but other than that, he's also several things to you. Though you see him as a friend, you also see him as your knight in shining armor. Always there to help you when you need it.

Well, technically, Yoosung really can't help it at all, though. How could he not help you? In the few months of him being your seatmate, he had witnessed how you were always used and taken advantage of by your classmates, and he definitely didn't like that.

You were too kind... But then again, isn't he, too?

He never really meant to get involved with you, but he just couldn't ignore your situation. You were just too... pathetic?

Eventually, what started as him occasionally helping you turned into him almost always being there to help you. Not to mention the both of you becoming friends and him probably starting to have feelings for you.

Of course, he won't just admit to the latter. He still keeps insisting to himself that it's probably just pity.

But pity doesn't make your heart race when you're near someone. Neither does it make you smile too much sometimes just thinking of the same someone.

And Yoosung... well, he had to admit. It scared him a little. Just didn't know why.

"That's all. You may go now. Thank you for your help, Mr. Park," the teacher tells the boy, and he bows with a smile before heading out of the office.

He was expecting to see you still there waiting for him. But you aren't. And Yoosung's brows furrow as he notices that you had just disappeared. "Huh? Where did... Y/N?"

Little did he know, you were pulled away almost wordlessly by just someone from your class just to "try something out" before the actual experiment, and now you're in the laboratory, a doubtful look on your face as you stare at the vial just a small distance from your outstretched arm, the guy who pulled you away holding it in his gloved hand.

KINGDOM Oneshots (KINGDOM X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now