[DANN] By The Riverside (I Found You)

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Soooooooo... 😐



Tears burst from your face just as your loud cry bursts through the quietness of the riverside. It didn't bother anyone, though. You made sure no one was there to hear or see you cry before you finally decided to let it out.

It had been a rough year.

All the pressure from school, your teachers, and your parents.

Your classmates not liking you at all and never taking your side.

Everyday feeling like just another level of hell.

And college being just around the corner.

And what made it all worse was the fact that you only had yourself to go through all those with.

You sob, then you cry louder yet again as your tears stream down your cheeks.

It had been a rough year. And it still continues to be one. That's what it looked like to you, and you just wanted to make it all stop for even just a second.

You can't, though. And that's how you found yourself here, in this riverside, sitting on the bank in your uniform and your tears completely blurring your eyesight while you continue to cry loudly.

Your face is turned upward slightly towards the sky and the town ahead, but you wouldn't be able to see it now.

Your eyes stung, because of your tears mixing in with the harsh sunlight, and you just felt even worse because now you feel hurt in more ways than one.

Then, your crying tones down eventually, but you still sob as you lower your head and wipe away your tears with the back of your hand.

"Are you done crying?"

Suddenly, your eyes widen at the sudden foreign voice, and you look up to see, a young man, probably just a few years older than you, squatting before you as he looks at you with an expressionless face.

You gasp, then your hands make their way to your mouth as you move back in surprise.

How did someone suddenly get here? Moreover, how did you not notice him all this time? Was your crying actually so loud that it caught his attention? Then...

Did other people see you, too?

You become even more panicked when you realize that, but then you look towards the young man and you become even more surprised by his presence instead.

And so, instead, you just look towards him with a surprised expression as you observe him.

His expression might seem cold, but something about him gave off a warm feeling. Like he had come here to comfort you. He wore what seemed to be a business suit, and that's what made you sure that he really is an adult.

Then he speaks. "What are you doing here all alone?" he asks, his voice just as calm as before. "You're even crying. Why? Did your friends ditch you?"

He doesn't break his eye contact with you. Instead, he even seems to be encouraging it as he looks at you waiting for your answer.

You break it, however. You look away from him as you hurriedly wipe your tears away, still trying to hide the fact that you had been crying even though you were already so obviously caught. "W-why are you– I don't need your concern! I don't even know you! What are you talking to me for, you creep?!" you shout as you move back from him, giving him a harsh judging look.

The young man just looks at you, though, his expression almost unchanging but softening a little at the same time. He doesn't move. He just stays where he is while looking at you.

It becomes quiet, and you start to feel how horribly weird this whole situation is.

What is it with this man you don't know suddenly popping out of nowhere and seemingly offering comfort?

No one's ever done that for you... So why would he?

"Was it tough?" he suddenly asks, and your eyes widen yet again in surprise.


He stays quiet yet again, then he sighs as he turns away from you for a second before looking back at you again. "It must have been, tough, huh?" he asks, sounding empathetic.

And yet, how would he know?

He barely knows you. And you don't know him!

"I'm sorry, but you really have to go and leave me alone if you don't want me calling the police on you," you tell him, standing up now and patting away at your uniform's skirt.

He looks up at you for a second, but as soon as you start leaving, he immediately stands up. "You're Y/N, right?!"

And his words stop you.

Your eyes widen, and a look of fear forms on your face as you slowly turn back to him. "H-how... How do you..."

"Y/N L/N. 18 years old. In the last year of high school, going to XX high school. You're currently living with your parents but you're planning to leave your current abode as soon as you graduate."

Immediately, a scream escapes you, and you stumble backwards and fall back to the ground as you continue looking towards the strange man with a terrified expression.

It was scary enough that he knew about your name, age, and school. But what scared you most was the fact that he knew about your post-graduate plans.

You had never told anyone about that.

"W-who... What are you a stalker?!"

The man smiles brightly, then he squats down so he would be down on your level once again. "I could be worse. I could be better," he tells you simply, and you become even more confused as you look at him with furrowed brows.

"W-what are you even talking about?"

The man's smile becomes even brighter, his eyes closing in the process, and the next words that come out of his mouth are what shock you the most about him: "I'm your fairy godfather."



Yes! That's ya boy Jung Seungbo speaking! And yes, I know this whole story and ending might seem weird, buuuuuutttt...

This may or may not be a preview to an upcoming book of mine.

(Not gonna lie, still deciding what Kingdom book I should publish first and when 'cause I want to arrange my books enough so that I wouldn't feel too pressured about all of them.)

Anyway! I hope y'all still... like this?? Whatever this is??

And stay safe and have a great day! Love y'all!! ❤

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