[CHIWOO] Ferris Wheel

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A sigh escapes the boy as he looks up at the night sky. The air is cool, but not too cold, and different colors of lights are being emmited from all over him as he stands somewhere in an amusement park.

The boy isn't happy, though. He just found out that his girlfriend had cheated on him just a week ago and now he's heartbroken. He feels really hurt. He loved her with all his heart and gave her everything she asked for, but it seems all the things he did were never enough for her.

He hadn't planned to go to the amusement park. In fact, he doesn't even remember how he got there at all. All he knows is that he went out for a walk just to calm himself down again for the nth time since his break-up with his ex-girlfriend and somehow, he ended up in the amusement park.

His eyes soon land on a flyer on he ground advertising a fireworks show that would happen in the same amusement park later that night before his gaze goes up to the ferris wheel right ahead of the flyer.

He just stares at the ferris wheel, his mind clouded as he sloppily decides on whether he should actually get on the ferris wheel or not, then a heavy sigh comes out of his mouth as he shrugs then starts walking towards the ferris wheel.

The boy seems to be unfazed at all as he walks straight to the ferris wheel at a normal pace, and yet, nothing seems to be able to distract him. The next thing he knows, he's already getting on one of the carts of the ferris wheel and he just sits back, waiting for it to start.

"Wait! Wait, a minute! I can't get on the same cart as a stranger!"

Suddenly, the boy just becomes alert when he hears a girl's frantic voice coming his way and he looks around him just as he sees a female staff coming along with a girl who looks just about the same age as him. The girl turns to him for a second and her eyes widen in the short time that they meet before she turns away from him again and turns back to the staff.

"A-actually, it's okay. I can just wait until this round is over and I'll get on in the next round," she tells the staff as she tries to get her arm free from the staff who doesn't seem to want to oblige as she looks at the girl with a playful smile.

"But, ma'am, I thought you wanted to watch the fireworks." The girl stops, then an annoyed look forms on her face as she looks at the staff.

The boy watches them with his brows furrowed as he notices the staff trying to talk to the girl without moving her mouth and the girl responds by whispering harshly. He eventually concludes that they most likely know each other.

"Ma'am, please just get in. Everyone's waiting for the ferris wheel to start," the staff tells the girl, and the girl pouts and whines at her at the same time before finally groaning and getting inside the same cart as me. She sits at the opposite seat as mine before she eyes the staff, her friend, with an "I'm-gonna-kill-you" gaze and the staff waves at her before walking away, looking as if she just succeeded at something big.

Eventually, the ferris wheel starts. The two feel the cart start moving and the boy just directs his gaze outside the window, towards the rest of the amusement park while the girl just sits awkwardly, fiddling with the ends of her skirt as she tries to look anywhere but the boy seated across her. The fact that the boy is being cold just scares her, and it's enough to make her keep herself quiet, even as heavy awkwardness is starting to settle inside their cart.

As if that isn't bad enough, the ferris wheel is turning at a slow pace, and the sight of the amusement park isn't even that visible yet, so the girl doesn't really know where to look. She wonders how the boy infront of her can just look out as if there was something for him to see outside.

Finally, after a few seconds, a little of the view of the amusement park shows and the girl finally looks out towards the same side the boy is looking. Her eyes seem to sparkle at the view, and the boy can't help but steal a glance of the girl across him.

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