[REACTIONS] When They Catch You Staring at Them and They Have a Crush on You

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This is new. I know. Just something I'm trying out for both my oneshots books.


Dann/ Jung Seungbo

- You both work at the same place: a pet store.

- You're mostly in charge of the counter while he's mostly in charge of taking care of the animals.

- Though every now and then, you both take turns doing each other's jobs.

- Since you have to admit, both of you tend to get tired of each other's jobs every now and then.

- Especially with how he isn't really happy about going near some of the reptiles. Something you often tease him about.

- It was early morning, and you came into the shop for the day to see your colleague once again cringing in fear as he tried to feed one of the lizards.

- A laugh almost escapes you, but you quickly hold it in as a small evil plan forms in your head.

- Seungbo would've never noticed you because he was just too intent on trying not to get his hands bitten (which is really unlikely because the little lizard is as friendly as can be, though it can be quite a tease sometimes... at least, that's what you had told him).

- But just as he finishes, you shout and appear behind him and he shouts as well, his sounding a lot more scared before he drops the lid of the glass case before turning to you.

- "Yah! I could have gotten venom in my hands because of what you did!"

- You just can't help but laugh loudly at his reaction and his words.

- "'Venom'? Seungbo, that's a lizard."

- "I know that."

- You ended up volunteering to feed the reptiles while he fed the other animals.

- After some time, you had eventually finished, and after closing the lid of the last reptile's case, you look around the shop until your eyes eventually land on your colleague, supposedly feeding one of the puppies.

- Supposedly.

- What he was doing instead? He was playing with the playful pup.

- Well, you can't blame either of them. The puppy was just so cute to not play with, and it's not like it could ever have any other chance to play with anyone other than when someone comes along to feed it.

- A small smile forms on your face as you watch the scene, silently thinking to yourself.

- "Seriously, how can he act so differently when it comes to the furry ones."

- He had already started trying to talk to the pup and even teaching it a few tricks, but you still haven't looked away not even once.

- You have to admit, you just couldn't look away.

- But when Seungbo finally turns to you, however, that's a completely different story.

- He was still smiling when he turned to you, and so were you.

- But when he suddenly found you looking at him, like that...

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