[RANDOM] My Try at Isekai

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It's been a while since I last uploaded an update for this book. And by a while, I mean a long, long while. And even after my one-month hiatus recently, I still couldn't really make myself update something even though I knew I really should be updating something for you guys.

Anyways, I just wanted to give y'all something at least, and this is what I came up with.

Kinda like a reactions chapter but not really... More like how I would write the members as in an isekai type of story (aka the genre where MC gets teleported to a completely different world from hers, usually historical settings).

By the way, I will be writing their characters here as royals in a medieval setting, just so you know.

And leggo!


Dann/ Jung Seungbo

- Gentleman to you, bossy bro to the other members.

- Probably the one who's most likely had a crush on you since childhood.

- Always planning big things to try and impress you.

- But if the plan fails, becomes very embarrassed to the point he won't talk to you for days.

- When he starts talking to you again, however, pretends like he never tried to cover a literal 5-kilometer aisle in the palace with roses for your birthday.


Arthur/ Jang Yunho

- The annoying, mischievous type.

- You know that annoying guy friend you have that loves to tease and annoy you? That's him in this story.

- As a result, almost always there just to annoy the heck out of you.

- Has a tendency to be a big flirt as well, but tends to mess up, anyway.

- Plays it cool anyway, only to shout and feel like banging his head on a wall minutes later once you're gone.


Mujin/ Go Sungho

- Flower boy.

- And no, I'm not saying that just because he's the king of cherry blossoms.

(No, cause, seriously, "flower boy" was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw him in the Ascencion MV!!!)

- Popular among the ladies of the kingdom (and probably even to some foreigners).

- Knows his worth, and shows it in his stride full of pride.

- But is humbler towards you, knowing that his poularity never fazes you, anyway...

- The girls that like him do, however, which is why he only ever approaches you in private, or anytime when he's not surrounded by any ladies drooling over him.


Louis/ Yang Dongsik

- Mischievous type number two.

- Can be flirty as well, but definitely with more suave than Arthur.

- Probably the one that's more mischievous in a sort of flirty way.

- Always leaves you speechless and flustered/embarrassed.

- Can be egotistic sometimes, which is the most annoying thing about him.

- However, his biggest weakness eventually ends up being, simply, if you just flirt back.


Ivan/ Park Yoosung

- Angelic prince.

- Sweet and innocent.

- Probably even too innocent.

- Doesn't ever get what's going on when flirting or flustering moments happen in the palace.

- Is surprisingly swift and knowledgeable in fighting techniques, however, even though he's never actually fought anyone before.

- Simply put, a marshmallow but with spikes.


Jahan/ Lim Jihun

- The actual gentleman.

- The calmest in the bunch.

- Never speaks nonsense, but isn't safe from useless bickering either.

- Joins nonsensical arguments but speaks like it's some sort of political debate.

- The one who cares for you the most.

- But also the one most likely to make witty remarks to roast you.

- Still the one with the wisest words, anyway... usually.


Chiwoo/ Guk Seungjun

- Your mortal enemy LOL (sorry, Chiwoo stans)

- The one who speaks the most nonsense.

- Total rebel. Never listens. Probably only out there to cause trouble.

- Oh, Arthur annoys you every minute of every hour of almost every day? This kid does even worse.

- Tends to get into trouble only to get you involved as well.

- Insert that one moment where both of you somehow get trapped in the palace's abandoned dungeon for one night before someone finds you.


Anyway, hope y'all liked this!

I'm not gonna promise anything this time, however, because I might just end up not doing it. But rest assured, I'll eventually keep uploading for this book until I at least reach 100 chapters, no matter how long it might take me.

Stay safe y'all and have a great day! Love you! ❤️

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