[REACTIONS] When You Give Them A Plushie As A Gift

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Okay, so now I assure y'all this will actually be a "reactions" chapter and not a scenario one. Mind you, I got this idea by just randomly staring at a random plushie in my room.

Scenario: You are their girlfriend, and you give them a plushie as a random gift. The appearance of the plushie is according to your own imaginations.


Dann/ Jung Seungbo

- "WOW! Is this for me?!"

- Genuinely surprised and happy and excited all at the same time. (You know, like that thing he does when Kingdom gets a reward or something at the end of games/shows?)

- Hand over mouth, and mouth opened wide, his other hand holding the plushie as he looks at it.

- "Wow! It's cute! What's his name?"

- "That's all up to you."

- "Wow, really?! But you gave me this, though. Let's both think of something!"

- Gets super excited and super amazed once again when you come up with a name first.

- "Exactly! Let's go with that one!"


Arthur/ Jang Yunho

- "That's wonderful! Then at least he'll finally stop stealing my plushie every single time"

- That's what Yoosung had said when he found out you had given Yunho a plushie as a gift.

- As for this guy, however...

- Surprised when you give him the plushie.

- Probably just about just like Seungbo's but more lowkey.

- "Omo. It's cute. It's just like you!"

- Shows the face of the plushie to your own face to emphasize.

- You end up swatting it away out of annoyance.

- And he actually takes it a bit too personally.

- "Yah, why would you do that, Y/N? You hurt him!"

- "Excuse me?! I gave you that plushie?!"


Mujin/ Go Sungho

- All smiles the moment you held it towards him.

- Holds it up Lion King Style while looking at it proudly.

- Then makes weird animal (?) sounds to try and imitate sounds the plushie would say.

- Either way, he still looks ABSOLUTELY adorable while doing all that, you can't help but stare and smile while your heart melts.

- "Sungho, how can you even be sure that's the sound it would make?"

- "How can you be sure it's not, Y/N?"


Louis/ Yang Dongsik

- Found out about it before you even appeared with it infront of him.

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