[DANN] The Dare

220 13 13


Your eyes widen and you stop in your steps when you recognize that voice.

Jung Seungbo.

"Aaaargh! I am so not ready for this!" you tell yourself internally as you start to panic and, without even looking back at the boy that had called you, you start running away.

Seungbo notices this immediately, and his eyes widen before he continues calling after you. "Wait! Y/N! Y/N, hey! Seo Y/NNNNN!"

You wear a cringed expression on your face as you continue running, hoping, just hoping, that either you don't ever bump into him again until he forgets what had happened or that he had already just completely forgetten what had happened.

Aish! I should have never agreed to do that stupid dare!


"Y/N-ah! Over here!"

Your face lights up when you see your bestfriend Denise waving at you, and you immediately walk over to her, and take the seat beside her.

It looks like most of your batchmates had already arrived as well.

"Hey, where's Yunho? He hasn't arrived yet?" you ask your friends, seeing as how the boy you had mentioned is the only one in your group of friends that isn't around.

"No. We're waiting for him," Youngmin replies to you as he starts to take the soju bottle from the middle of the table only to be stopped by Denise when she grabs it first. Youngmin then turns to her with an annoyed look. "Yah!"

"I already told you, you shouldn't drink," Denise tells him with a scolding look. "Who's going to drive us back to our dorms after this reunion? You know I can't drive."

Youngmin just continues giving her that annoyed look before he finally gives up, letting out a groan as he leans back on his chair. "This reunion sucks!"

"Hey, at least you're not struggling too much with theses and stuff," you tell him as you flip the meat infront of you, letting the other side cook.

"Yah! If you're struggling so much, then why didn't you just come with us to our university?" Youngmin asks you as he turns to you, pertaining to the performance arts school he and Denise had entered together.

"He's right," Denise agrees before stuffing a piece of meat into her mouth. "You're really good at dancing after all. Why don't you give it a try? We're all still in the first year, anyway."

You just let out a sigh as you lean back in your seat. "I don't know... I guess, just like how Yunho decided to go to med school-"

"Oh, but he's not in med school anymore," Youngmin suddenly interjects and you turn to him with a confused expression.

"What? What do you mean?"

"He shifted courses," the boy continues while stuffing a piece of meat in his mouth. "He goes to the same university as me and Denise now."

An annoyed expression then forms on your face as you look at your friends. "Wow... so you've all decided to just ditch me in engineering school."

"Not our fault. That was your choice," Youngmin tells you, feeding himself another piece of meat.

Then your brows furrow when you realize something. "Wait, so if Yunho goes to the same school as you two now, then why didn't he come with the both of you?" you ask your friends.

Denise replies to this one. "He said he's be bringing along a friend. He hasn't really specified who, though."

Right at that moment, all people in the room (at least those that haven't passed out from drinking too much) immediately turn to the entrance when they hear a loud greeting.

KINGDOM Oneshots (KINGDOM X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now