[ARTHUR] Spring Among The Leaves

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The sound of rustling leaves fills the boy's surroundings as the wind blows through the tree. He's sitting on one of its branches and leaning on the trunk with his eyes closed, enjoying the peace that surrounds him. The weather is fair and the wind is just blowing gently, a perfect day for him to be relaxing where he is... that's until someone comes and ruins it.

The boy's brows furrow at first when he hears a light mumbling, then he opens his eyes when that voice gets louder and he finally clearly hears the voice of a girl, ranting at quite a volume that he can clearly hear every word she says.

"Why did I even agree to go with that guy? I only ended up getting myself embarrassed! Ugh!" the girl complains to herself as she nears the tree. She sighs when she finally reaches it, then sits down on the grass and leans on the trunk. She closes her eyes and leans her head back as she mutters to herself one last time. "I'm such an idiot."

Unbeknownst to her, there's a boy just above her who's heard every word she said, even the part where she called herself an idiot. When the girl opens her eyes, however, she suddenly finds herself looking at a boy, just about the same age as her, staring at her with his eyes slightly widened.

"WHAT THE-" the girl shouts as she quickly stands up and moves away from the tree, looking back up at the boy sitting on the branch. "Y-yah, did you hear every word I said?" the girl asks the boy cautiously, her eyes still wide in surprise.

The boy's wide eyes go back to their normal size as he adjusts himself so he would be sitting sideways on the branch, his legs dangling. The girl then notices something about him.

"Your... your clothes... why aren't you wearing your uniform?" she asks him. It's only reasonable for her to question that, as in their school, students are strictly told to wear their uniforms or else they wouldn't be able to enter the school campus at all. And, somehow, the boy she's looking at is inside the school campus, wearing casual clothes as he sits on the branch of a tree several feet and out of sight from the school lawn.

The boy just looks at the girl, not responding, and the girl starts to feel flustered with all his staring, soon looking away from the boy.

"H-hey... talk, will you?" the girl says while avoiding the boy's eyes. "A-and stop staring! You're making me feel uncomfortable."

The boy finally looks away from the girl as he looks infront of him. "Yeah, I heard everything you said."

The girl looks up at him again, surprised that he finally spoke, then a thought forms inside her head. "What's your name?"

The boy looks at her with a curious look. "Why do you ask?"

"Can't I just know your name? You know, we might run into each other again soon," the girl says, and the boy looks at her for a few seconds before finally responding.

"Jang Yunho. My name is Yunho, but my friends like to call me 'Arthur'."

"Oh," the girl says. "I'm Y/N. Jeong Y/N."

The boy then looks down at her again, and a gentle smile forms on his face as he looks at her with his head tilted. "Do you wanna, maybe, come up here?"

That question, along with the boy's change in attitude surprises the girl as her eyes widen once again while looking at the boy. She becomes surprised once again when the boy bends down and holds his arm down for her to take.

"Here. Take my hand," Yunho tells her while looking at her with soft eyes. The girl hesitates for a second before finally reaching her hand up and intertwining it with the boy's arm. The boy then pulls her up, and in a few moments, they're both sitting next to each other on the tree branch.

The wind blows again, causing the leaves around them to rustle and the boy closes his eyes as he enjoys the soft breeze. Meanwhile, beside him, the girl is trying to hold on tightly to the branch, scared that even a soft breeze would push her off the branch and make her fall.

"Aish, why'd I even come up here?" the girl thinks to herself while trying not to look down so as not to feel even more scared than she already is. She swallows hard, then turns to her left to see the boy with his head tilted upward and his eyes closed as he enjoys the breeze. The girl's heart suddenly seems to pound as she looks at the boy beside her. To her, he looks ethereal. Especially now that he seems the most relaxed.

Yunho slowly opens his eyes when he feels a pair of eyes on him, then he turns to his right only to see the girl beside him looking at him, her eyes showing an emotion that can't quite be guessed. But as the boy meets her eyes, he suddenly feels something weird inside him as he suddenly finds himself looking into her eyes, as if he was entranced. His heart starts to pound.

Suddenly, the two people are woken up from their trance when they both hear the school bell ring and they quickly look away from each other, their faces heating up.

"W-we should just go to class already," the girl says as she carefully gets down from the tree. Once she's down, she looks up only to see the boy still sitting on the branches, still avoiding her gaze. "Aren't you going to your next class."

"I-I'll go later. You can go ahead," he says, obviously flustered, and the girl can't help but giggle at his flustered state.

"Alright, then," she says as she steps back while still looking at the boy with a smile. "I'll see you around, Yunho."

This time, the boy finally looks at her and a shy smile forms on his face as he looks at her. "See you, too... Y/N."

The girl's smile widens for a second before she waves goodbye to him and finally walks away, her heart pounding loudly and her smile unfading. She couldn't wait for the next time she sees him again.

KINGDOM Oneshots (KINGDOM X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now