[DANN] The Regular

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The bell above the door rings, signalling the arrival of a new customer, and you turn to the door, a smile soon forming on your face once you see who it is. It's the regular who always comes to the café you work in at exactly 2:00 in the afternoon every weekday. You never got his name, but you know what he looks like, what time he arrives, and what he always orders.

He looks towards the counter and meets your eyes. When that happens, he smiles at you before walking towards the counter where you're at.

"Good morning, sir," you greet him with your usual friendly smile, only, the smile you're giving him is a bit different than what you give other customers. "I assume you'll be having the usual?"

"Yes, thank you," he tells you as he takes his wallet out and pays for his order. However, the amount he's paying today seems to be a bit more than what he usually pays as he pays you a full bill, thus, he'll have to wait for his change. Once you've taken his payment and given him his change, he nods towards you, his smile unfading, then walks to one of the tables near the window.

You watch him go, your smile fading as you sigh. Once again, you failed to get his name. Well, what could you do? You're at work and he's a customer. It's not like you can just easily have a conversation with him.

"Y/N-ah~ Y/N? Hey, Y/N!"

You snap out of your trance and you turn to your right to see your boss-slash-co-worker, Juyeon, looking at you with her brows furrowed. "Huh? Yeah?" you ask her, pretending as if she didn't just catch you spacing out and falling into deep thought.

"You okay? You seem problematic," the woman tells you with a worried tone.

You laugh lightly and wave her words off. "Oh, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I should just get back to work."

"Mm-hmm," Juyeon says, obviously unconvinced, then you see her turn her head towards the regular. "Is it him?"

Your eyes widen when you see the man turn towards you and your boss and you quickly look away and try to make the woman beside you look away, too. "Unnie! Don't make it too obvious, will you?!"

"Ah, so it is him," she says, laughing at your panicking when he turned towards the two of you. "Relax, Y/N. I'm sure he didn't notice. And even if he did, what? Are you really not planning on trying to actually talk to him for once?"

You look down, feeling embarrassed now that Juyeon knows. "The thing is... I barely even know him. All I know is that he comes here everyday. I mean, I don't even know his name!"

"That's why you have to talk to him first," she tells you with a chuckle and a hand on your shoulder. "That's how everything starts. How do you think you got your job here? You approached me and talked to me remember? And now we're even friends." The woman places her arm around your shoulder reassuringly and you smile at her.

"Yeah... you're right. I should go talk to him," you tell her, feeling a bit more confident now.

"But not now," Juyeon suddenly says and you look at her as she pulls away from you. "Right now, we're at work so you'll just have to look for a way to talk to him later. For now, let's just get back to work, alright?" she asks you with a playful smile and a hand on your shoulder.

You chuckle and nod at her, then she holds her fists up infront of her chest, whispering "Fighting!" as words of encouragement for you. You laugh lightly and shake your head as she goes back to the kitchen and you're left alone at the counter again.

The day eventually went by, and soon, of course, the regular went away, off to wherever he usually goes after his usual visit to the café. Soon afternoon came, and as the sun was setting, you hear Juyeon announcing the end of the work day before she goes to the door and flips the sign.

You start packing your things after setting things up in the counter before you go, but just as you were about to leave the counter, your boss approaches you.


You turn to her with a questioning look only for you to be more confused when you see her pointing outside with a somewhat bright expression.

"Isn't that the regular standing outside?"

Your eyes widen at her words. "WHAT?!" you quickly cover your mouth after you just shouted, then you turn to where Juyeon is pointing at to see, indeed, the regular, standing just outside the café's doors, as if he's waiting for something. "What's he doing here?!" you whisper-shout to your boss as she looks at you with a clueless look accompanied by a shrug.

"I don't know." A mischievous smile then forms on her face as she looks at you. "Why don't you hurry packing so you can head outside and find out?"

You look at her with your brows furrowed, then you look away from her, embarrassed, as you continue packing your things so you could leave work for the day. Once you're done, you bid goodbye to Juyeon and walk out, turning your head towards the regular once you're outside, pretending as if you didn't see him on your way out. "Oh, what are you doing here?" you ask him with a surprised look on your face. "Are you waiting for someone?"

The regular turns to you, a surprised look forming on his face as he meets your eyes. "Ah! Well, yes, actually..." he says as he places one hand on the back of his neck and digs the other into his pocket as if he's looking for something. Finally, he takes his hand out of his pocket and produces just a few coins before presenting them to you.

Your brows furrow in confusion as you look at the coins in his hands. "Hmm? What's this?"

"The change you gave me. I just noticed after I left. They're a bit too much," he says as he looks at you and he removes his other hand from his neck. "Sorry about this."

Your eyes widen at his words. "Huh? Oh, no, it's okay. It's just a little change anyway. Y-you can keep it," you tell him, later on mentally cursing yourself and thinking of what an idiot you are for what you just said.

"Oh, I insist. You could get in trouble for this," he says as he suddenly takes your hand and places the extra change in your hand. Your face starts heating up at the sudden touch. And, it seems, the man had also just noticed his actions, and he quickly gets into a flustered state as he quickly lets go of your hand. "O-oh, sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"I-it's okay," you quickly tell him, pulling your hand away and hiding it in your pocket so nothing else happens. You look down as you try to hide your red face. "Thanks," you tell him softly and you feel a pair of soft eyes on you.

"What's your name?" the man suddenly asks with a gentle voice, and you look up at him with a surprised expression.

"Sorry?" you ask him, wondering if you heard it right.

"Your name? May I know what it is?" he repeats and you look away from him as a look of realization forms on your face.

"Im Y/N," you finally tell him after a few seconds, then you look at him, trying not to sound like a creep for asking his name even though he just asked for yours. "What about you? What's your name?"

The man smiles, and you suddenly feel your heart accelerating at the sight of his smile. "Jung Seungbo. But you can just call me Dann if you want."

"Nah, I'll just call you Seungbo," you tell him teasingly, and the both of you end up laughing afterwards. Soon enough, the both of you end up talking to each other about yourselves as you both walk away from the café towards the bus stop nearby.

Seungbo was an easy talker, and you found him very fun to talk to. In a matter of minutes, the both of you have already talked about so much already. Your conversation eventually ended when your bus arrived and you had to go.

After bidding goodbye to the man, you board the bus, but just as you get on, you stop then turn back with a smile on your face. "I'll see you tomorrow," you tell him and his eyes widen for a second before he smiles and nods, later waving goodbye to you as you finally get on the bus.

Surely, you'll see him tomorrow. And by then, you'd already know his name.

KINGDOM Oneshots (KINGDOM X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now