[ARTHUR] Tardy on a Rainy Day

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"Go Sungho."


"Song Y/N."


"Jang Yunho... Jang Yunho? Is Jang Yunho present?"

The students in the classroom glance at each other then towards the seat of the student being called to see it empty. Beside it, you sit at your seatmate, looking out the window beside you, unfazed but a little worried.

It isn't really a surprise for you, and neither is it for your classmates, but now that it's raining, you thought there wouldn't be any reason for your seatmate to be late as usual.

"Jang Yunho is late again?" the teacher asks, but you don't really pay much attention as you keep your gaze out the window, your chin resting on your propped arm as you watch the rain falling outside, wondering where your seatmate had gone. Eventually, attendance is done, and you let out a small sigh as you turn away from the window towards your laid out notes on your desk.

"Weird," you mumble to yourself as you suddenly get an empty feeling as you glance towards the empty seat beside yours. "He's always late, but now, I really don't have anyone to talk to this morning."

You turn your head towards the front of the class as you aim to look towards the teacher only to almost gasp and jump in your seat when you suddenly see the boy seated infront of you, looking back at you with his chin resting on top of his seat's backrest. You furrow your brows as you whisper scoldingly at him. "Yah, Go Sungho-"

"You seem worried," he suddenly says with a thin smile and a slight teasing tone in his voice as he looks at you innocently.

A small sigh escapes you before you shake your head slightly and look away from him, your gaze wandering around the classroom until your eyes land on someone, taking notes on his notebook as his gaze turns back and forth between the teacher and his notebook. Suddenly, he stops writing as he seems to notice something, and he turns his gaze towards you. Immediately, a smile forms on his face and he waves at you, but you quickly look away from him, ignoring his gesture.

Sungho, the boy seated infront of you, notices what had happened, and he glances towards the boy you had been looking at before turning back to you, his expression turning into a clueless-looking one, though he isn't even really that clueless at all. "I heard Kim Sunwoo confessed his feelings to you yesterday afternoon. You haven't given him a response yet?" he asks you, and you furrow your brows as you look at him.

"I don't have feelings for him," you tell him straight out, and the boy looks at you with a slight pout before speaking again.

"I have a feeling, though," he says, and this time, your brows furrow in confusion as you look at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Yunho... he's coming late today because of what Sunwoo did."

You remain confused for a few moments, but then your eyes widen as you realize what Sungho had just said. Along with that, you also feel your cheeks heating up, and you quickly look away from the boy as an attempt to hide your burning cheeks. "W-what are you talking about? Yunho's always late. I don't think today is any different, either."

"But it's raining, though?"

"Yeah, well, I don't know about that, either," you say as you try to shift your attention away from Sungho and just try to focus on what the teacher is discussing.


The day had passed a lot slower than you had noticed. That's because, without Yunho being there for you to talk to and hang out with, your day just seemed a lot less... fun.

KINGDOM Oneshots (KINGDOM X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now